# Maintainer: Fabio 'Lolix' Loli -> https://github.com/FabioLolix # Contributor: FadeMind pkgname=inxi-perl-git pkgver=r6144.60b6fbb9 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Pinxi, development branch of inxi, a full featured CLI system information tool" arch=(any) url="https://smxi.org/docs/inxi.htm" license=(GPL3) depends=(coreutils pciutils perl procps-ng) makedepends=(git) optdepends=( "bluez-tools: bt-adapter: -E bluetooth data (if no hciconfig)" "bluez-deprecated-tools: hciconfig: -E bluetooth HCI data" "bind: -i wlan IP" "dmidecode: inxi -M if no sys machine data" "file: inxi -o unmounted file system" "freeipmi: ipmi-sensors: -s IPMI sensors" "hddtemp: inxi -Dx show hdd temp" "iproute2: inxi -i ip lan" "ipmitool: -s IPMI sensors" "kmod: inxi -Ax,-Nx module version" "lm_sensors: inxi -s sensors output" "mesa-utils: inxi -G glx info" "net-tools: inxi -i ip lan-deprecated" "perl-io-socket-ssl: -U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed)" "perl-cpanel-json-xs: --output json - required for export" "perl-json-xs: --output json - required for export (legacy)" "perl-xml-dumper: --output xml - Crude and raw" "systemd-sysvcompat: inxi -I runlevel" "sudo: inxi -Dx hddtemp-user;-o file-user" "tree: --debugger 20,21 /sys tree" "upower: -sx attached device battery info" "usbutils: inxi -A usb audio;-N usb networking" "wmctrl: -S active window manager (not all wm)" "xorg-xdpyinfo: inxi -G multi screen resolution" "xorg-xprop: inxi -S desktop data" "xorg-xrandr: inxi -G single screen resolution" ) source=("git+https://codeberg.org/smxi/pinxi") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd pinxi printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } package() { cd pinxi install -D -m755 pinxi "$pkgdir/usr/bin/pinxi" install -D -m644 pinxi.1 "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/pinxi.1.gz" }