# Maintainer: Evert Vorster # Contributor: Gustavo Alvarez # Contributor: IncredibleLaser # Contributor: nous # Contributor: pressh pkgname=kdenlive-git pkgver=24.04.70.r19969 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A non-linear video editor for Linux using the MLT video framework. KF5 Frameworks (Latest Applications GIT Version)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.kdenlive.org/" license=('GPL-2.0-or-later') depends=( 'kfilemetadata' 'knewstuff' 'knotifyconfig' 'doxygen' 'ktextwidgets' 'qt6-multimedia' 'mlt' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'purpose' 'qt6-networkauth' 'python' ) makedepends=('extra-cmake-modules' 'kdoctools5' 'git' 'v4l-utils' 'qt6-tools') optdepends=('ffmpeg: for FFmpeg plugin' 'cdrkit: for creation of DVD ISO images' 'dvdauthor: for creation of DVD' 'dvgrab: for firewire capture' 'libdv: for webcam capture (if FFmpeg is not installed)' 'recordmydesktop: for screen capture' 'xine-ui: for DVD preview' 'perl-image-exiftool: for exif information' 'mediainfo: for exif information' 'oxygen-icons: optional for xfce' 'breeze-icons: otional for default theme' 'opentimelineio: interchange format for editorial timeline information' 'python-setuptools: for python modules' 'python-vosk-bin: open source speech recognition') provides=('kdenlive') conflicts=('kdenlive') #source=(${pkgname}::git://anongit.kde.org/kdenlive) #source=(git://anongit.kde.org/kdenlive) #The git repo has changed recently. To update your git repo to the new one #and save yourself from downloading the entire repo again, do: #git remote set-url https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive #in the kdenlive git directory source=('git+https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive') sha1sums=('SKIP') #install=$pkgname.install #options=(debug !strip) pkgver() { cd ${srcdir}/kdenlive _ver="$(cat CMakeLists.txt | grep RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION | cut -d '"' -f2 | tr '\n' '.' | cut -d "." -f 1-3)" echo "$(echo ${_ver}).r$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" } #To get debug info, change -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to either "Debug" or "RelWithDebInfo" build() { cmake -B build -S kdenlive \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -DBUILD_QCH=ON cmake --build build } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build }