# Maintainer: Bouteiller a2n Alan # git rev-parse tagName # 6.2.0 _tag=3de749704d7b7a7a856e54069693f4855cc94d75 _plasmoidName="a2n.archupdate.plasmoid" _souceName="archupdate" pkgname="kdeplasma-arch-update-notifier-git" # pkgver is updated automatically by the pkgver step pkgver=6.2.0 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="KDE plasmoid that lets you know when arch updates are required. Takes all repo's into account (core, extra, aur, ...)." arch=("any") url="https://github.com/bouteillerAlan/archupdate" license=("GPL3") source=("git+${url}.git#tag=${_tag}?signed") depends=("konsole" "pacman-contrib" "kdialog") makedepends=("git") optdepends=("paru: paru support" "yay: yay support - supported by default") sha256sums=("SKIP") validpgpkeys=( 6A2ECC8A396F8A943A109A1E0F11C2A6BF79111E # Bouteiller a2n Alan , retrieved from https://github.com/bouteillerAlan.gpg ) pkgver() { cd "${_souceName}" git describe --tags | sed 's/^v//' } package() { cd "${_souceName}" install -Dm 644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/"${pkgname}"/ find "${_plasmoidName}" -type f -exec install -Dm 644 "{}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/{}" \; }