# Maintainer: Jake pkgname=keepassxc-wordlists-hunspell pkgver=1.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Wordlists generated from system Hunspell dicts for keepassxc" arch=('any') url="https://github.com/wooorm/dictionaries" license=('GPL') depends=('keepassxc>=2.2.0') optdepends=('hunspell-de' 'hunspell-en_US' 'hunspell-en_GB' 'hunspell-en_CA' 'hunspell-en_AU' 'hunspell-el' 'hunspell-es_es' 'hunspell-fr' 'hunspell-he' 'hunspell-hu' 'hunspell-it' 'hunspell-nl' 'hunspell-pl' 'hunspell-ro' ) # Possible dict files and front matter/license info length _lang=("de_DE.dic" "en_US.dic" "en_GB.dic" "en_CA.dic" "en_AU.dic" "el_GR.dic" "es_ES.dic"\ "fr_FR.dic" "he_HE.dic" "hu_HU.dic" "it_IT.dic" "nl_NL.dic" "pl_PL.dic" "ro_RO.dic") _front=(16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) prepare() { for ((i = 0; i < ${#_lang[@]}; ++i)); do file="${_lang[$i]}" if [ -f /usr/share/hunspell/$file ]; then #Strip everything but the words and convert to UTF-8 tail -n +${_front[$i]} /usr/share/hunspell/$file |iconv -f ISO-8859-15 -t UTF-8 | sed -r 's/\/.+//g' > $srcdir/$file.txt echo "Converted "$file"!" else echo "("$file" not found)" fi done } package() { for file in ${_lang[@]}; do if [ -f $srcdir/$file.txt ]; then install -Dm644 $srcdir/$file.txt $pkgdir/usr/share/keepassxc/wordlists/$file.wordlist fi done }