# Find this package on https://github.com/pietmacom/kopano-pkgbuilds.git pkgname='kopano-libvmime' pkgver=0.9.2k4 pkgrel=1 provides=( 'libvmime=${pkgver}' ) pkgdesc='A C++ class library for working with MIME messages' arch=( 'armv7l' 'aarch64' 'i686' 'x86_64' ) url='http://www.vmime.org/' license=( 'GPL' ) _tagPrefix="v" # template start; name=base-scm; version=1; #_tagPrefix="" #_tagSuffix="" #_source="" if [[ "${pkgname}" == *-latest ]] && [ ! -z "${_source}" ] && [[ "${_source}" == git+* ]]; then pkgver=$(git ls-remote --refs --tags "$(echo "${_source}" | sed 's|^git+||')" | sed 's|.*tags/\(.*\)$|\1|' | grep "^${_tagPrefix}.*" | grep ".*${_tagSuffix}$" | sed "s|${_tagPrefix}\(.*\)${_tagSuffix}|\1|" | sort -u -V | grep -vE "(beta|alpha|test)" | tail -n 1) fi _basePkgName="${pkgname//-git/}" if [[ "${pkgname}" == *-git ]]; then # Version can't be set before pkgver has run provides+=("${_basePkgName}=${pkgver}") fi _gitLogByDay() { local NEXT=$(date +%F) local SINCE="1970-01-01" local UNTIL=$NEXT local LOG_FORMAT="* %s" git log --no-merges --since="${SINCE}" --until="${UNTIL}" --format="%cd" --date=short --follow . | sort -u | while read DATE ; do local GIT_PAGER=$(git log --no-merges --reverse --format="${LOG_FORMAT}" --since="${DATE} 00:00:00" --until="${DATE} 23:59:59" --author="${AUTHOR}" --follow . | uniq) if [ ! -z "$GIT_PAGER" ] then echo echo -e "[$DATE]" echo -e "${GIT_PAGER}" fi done } if [ ! -e "changelog" ] \ || git rev-parse ; then _gitLogByDay > changelog changelog="changelog" fi # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_package_guidelines#Git pkgver() { cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname} if [[ "${pkgname}" == *-git ]]; then _lastTag=$(git tag -l "${_tagPrefix}*" --sort=v:refname | tail -n 1) _revision="$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" if [ ! -z "${_lastTag}" ]; then echo "${_lastTag}" | sed "s|${_tagPrefix}\(.*\)${_tagSuffix}|\1.r${_revision}|" else echo "${pkgver}" | sed "s|\(.*\)-git|1.r${_revision}|" fi # elif [[ "${pkgname}" == *-latest ]]; # then # #_tagReleaseFormat="^[0-9]*(\.[0-9])*$" # _lastRelease=$(git tag -l "${_tagPrefix}*" --sort=v:refname | grep -v "(alpha|beta|test)" | tail -n 1) # echo "${_lastRelease}" | sed "s|${_tagPrefix}\(.*\)${_tagSuffix}|\1|" else echo "${pkgver}" fi } _patchFromGit() { _patchDir="${srcdir}/$(basename $(pwd))-patch.git" if [ ! -e "${_patchDir}" ]; then git clone --bare ${1} ${_patchDir} fi _branchName="${_sourceBranch//#*=/}" _patchGIT="git --git-dir="${_patchDir}"" # Patch From Specific Range if [ ! -z "${3}" ]; then _sourceCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "${2}") _targetCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "${3}") if $_patchGIT format-patch "^${_sourceCommit}" "${_targetCommit}" --stdout | git apply -v ; then echo "Patch Applied From Commit Between ${2} to ${3}" else echo "Patch Failed." exit 1 fi # Patch From Specific Commit elif [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then _sourceCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "${2}") if $_patchGIT format-patch -1 "${_sourceCommit}" --stdout | git apply -v ; then echo "Patch Applied From Commit ${2}" else echo "Patch Failed." exit 1 fi # Patch From "*-latest-patch" Branch elif [[ "${pkgname}" != *-git ]] \ && _sourceCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "${_branchName}") \ && _targetCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "${_branchName}-latest-patch") ; then if $_patchGIT format-patch "^${_sourceCommit}" "${_targetCommit}" --stdout | git apply -v ; then echo "Patch Applied From Branch ${_branchName}-latest-patch" else echo "Patch Failed." exit 1 fi # Patch From "master-latest-patch" Branch elif _sourceCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "master") \ && _targetCommit=$($_patchGIT rev-parse --verify --quiet "master-latest-patch") ; then if $_patchGIT format-patch "^${_sourceCommit}" "${_targetCommit}" --stdout | git apply -v ; then echo "Patch Applied From Branch master-latest-patch" else echo "Patch Failed." exit 1 fi else echo "No Patch Branch Found" fi } _sourceBranch=$(if [[ "${pkgname}" == *-git ]]; then echo "#branch=master"; else echo "#tag=${_tagPrefix}${pkgver}${_tagSuffix}"; fi) # template end; conflicts=( 'zarafa-libvmime' ) source=( "${pkgname}::git+https://github.com/Kopano-dev/vmime.git${_sourceBranch}" ) md5sums=( 'SKIP' ) makedepends=( 'cmake' 'postfix' 'doxygen' 'xdot' # PKGBUILD dependencies 'git' ) depends=( 'gsasl' 'gnutls' ) prepare() { cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname} _patchFromGit https://github.com/pietmacom/kopano-vmime.git } build() { mkdir build cd build cmake ../${pkgname} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/ \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make } package() { cd build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install }