pkgname='kopano-webapp-mdm-git' pkgver='3.3.0' _source='git+' _tagPrefix='v' # template start; name=kopano-webapp-plugin; version=1; # _source= # _tagPrefix=kopanocore- _pluginName=${pkgname//kopano-webapp-/} _pluginName=${_pluginName//-git/} pkgrel=1 groups=( 'kopano' 'kopano-webapp-plugins' ) arch=( 'any' ) manifestXml() { _manifestXmlFile="src/${pkgname}/manifest.xml" if [ -e "${_manifestXmlFile}" ]; then xmllint --xpath "string(/plugin/info/$1)" ${_manifestXmlFile} else echo fi } pkgdesc="$(manifestXml 'description')" url="$(manifestXml 'authorURL')" for _licenseFile in AGPL-3 do if [ -e "src/${pkgname}/${_licenseFile}" ]; then license+=('AGPL-3') fi done # template start; name=base-scm; version=1; #_tagPrefix="" #_tagSuffix="" _gitLogByDay() { local NEXT=$(date +%F) local SINCE="1970-01-01" local UNTIL=$NEXT local LOG_FORMAT="* %s %an" git log --no-merges --since="${SINCE}" --until="${UNTIL}" --format="%cd" --date=short --follow . | sort -u | while read DATE ; do local GIT_PAGER=$(git log --no-merges --reverse --format="${LOG_FORMAT}" --since="${DATE} 00:00:00" --until="${DATE} 23:59:59" --author="${AUTHOR}" --follow . | uniq) if [ ! -z "$GIT_PAGER" ] then echo echo -e "[$DATE]" echo -e "${GIT_PAGER}" fi done } if git rev-parse ; then _gitLogByDay > changelog changelog="changelog" fi # pkgver() { cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname} if [[ "${pkgname}" == *-git ]]; then _lastTag=$(git tag -l "${_tagPrefix}*" --sort=v:refname | tail -n 1) _revision="r$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" if [ ! -z "${_lastTag}" ]; then echo "${_lastTag}" | sed "s|${_tagPrefix}\(.*\)${_tagSuffix}|\1.r${_revision}|" else echo "${pkgver}" | sed "s|\(.*\)-git|1.r${_revision}|" fi else echo ${pkgver} fi } _sourceBranch=$(if [[ "${pkgname}" == *-git ]]; then echo "#branch=master"; else echo "#tag=${_tagPrefix}${pkgver}${_tagSuffix}"; fi) # template end; source+=( "${pkgname}::${_source}${_sourceBranch}" ) md5sums+=( 'SKIP' ) _phpIni="${pkgname//-git/}.ini" if [ -e "${_phpIni}" ]; then source+=( "${_phpIni}" ) md5sums+=( "$(md5sum ${_phpIni})" ) fi makedepends+=( # WEBAPP: 'apache-ant' 'libxml2' # PKGBUILD 'git' 'gzip' ) depends+=( 'kopano-webapp' ) if [ -f 'install' ]; then install='install' fi # template start; name=base-build-webapp; version=1; # _binDir=usr/share/webapps/${pkgname} _confDir=etc/webapps/${pkgname} # template start; name=base-build; version=1; # #_binDir= #_confDir= _docDir=usr/share/doc/${pkgname} _stateDir=var/lib/${pkgname} _logDir=var/log/${pkgname} _licenseDir=usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} _commonPermissions='u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx u=rw,g=r,o=r' _securePermissions='u=rwx,g=rx,o= u=rw,g=r,o=' # Strictly Formatted Installation # # Known system -parent- directories are created and rights are # copied from local system. # ### Files # # (1) _install user:group ${_commonPermissions} newFile destDir/ # * Create Empty File In Destination-Directory # => destDir/newFile # # (2) _install user:group ${_commonPermissions} sourceFile destDir/ # * Copy Source-File Into Destination-Directory # => destDir/sourcFileName # # (3) _install user:group ${_commonPermissions} sourceFile destDir/destFileName # * Copy Source-File Into Destinatin-Directory With New Name # => destDir/destFileName # ### Directories # Leaf directory are created and rights are applied. # # (4) _install user:group ${_commonPermissions} destDir/newDir # * Create New Directory # => destDir/newDir # # (5) _install user:group ${_commonPermissions} sourceDir destDir/ # * Copy Source-Directory Into Destination-Directory # => destDir/sourceDirName # # (6) _install user:group ${_commonPermissions} sourceDir destDir # * Copy Content of Source-Directory Into Destination-Directory # => destDir/sourceDirContent # # _install() { local _chown="$1" local _chmodDir="$2" local _chmodFile="$3" ### Directories # (4) Create New Directory if [ -z "$5" ]; then local _dest="$4" _mkParentDir "${_dest}" if [ ! -e "${_dest}" ]; then mkdir "${_dest}" fi chown ${_chown} ${_dest} chmod "${_chmodDir}" ${_dest} return 0 fi local _source=$4 local _dest=$5 if [ -d "${_source}" ]; then if [[ ${_dest} == */ ]]; then # (5) Copy Source-Directory Into Destination-Directory _dest="${_dest}$(basename ${_source})" fi _mkParentDir "${_dest}" # (5),(6) Copy Content of Source-Directory Into Destination-Directory if [ ! -e "${_dest}" ]; then mkdir "${_dest}" fi cp -fRT ${_source} ${_dest} find ${_dest} -exec chown "${_chown}" {} \; find ${_dest} -type f -exec chmod "${_chmodFile}" {} \; find ${_dest} -type d -exec chmod "${_chmodDir}" {} \; return 0 fi ### Files if [[ ${_dest} == */ ]]; then # (2) Copy Source-File Into Destination-Directory _dest=${_dest}$(basename ${_source}) fi _mkParentDir "${_dest}" if [ ! -f "${_source}" ]; then # (1) Create Empty File In Destination-Directory touch ${_dest} else # (1),(3) Copy Source-File Into Destinatin-Directory With New Name cp -fL ${_source} ${_dest} fi chown ${_chown} ${_dest} chmod "${_chmodFile}" ${_dest} } # Creates known System -parent- directories and copies # permissions. _mkParentDir() { local _destParent="$(dirname $1)" if [ -e "${_destParent}" ]; then return 0 fi # Check System Directory find / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | while read -d $'\0' _rootDir do if [[ "${_destParent}" == *${_rootDir}* ]]; then _destSystemPath=$(echo ${_destParent} | grep -o "${_rootDir}.*") if [ -d "${_destSystemPath}" ]; then mkdir -p ${_destParent} chmod --reference=${_destSystemPath} ${_destParent} chown --reference=${_destSystemPath} ${_destParent} break; fi fi done if [ ! -e "${_destParent}" ]; then _knownSystemDirectories=( 'usr/share/webapps' 'etc/webapps' ) for _knownSystemDirectory in "${_knownSystemDirectories[@]}" do if [[ ${_destParent} == *${_knownSystemDirectory} ]]; then mkdir -p ${_destParent} break; fi done fi if [ ! -e "${_destParent}" ]; then echo "Parent not found (${_destParent}). Maybe its a not known System-Directory:" for _systemDirectory in "${_systemDirectories[@]}" do echo " ${_systemDirectory}" done exit 1 fi } # template end; # compressStatic /usr/share/webapps/xxx 'htm|css|html|js' _compressStatic() { _dir=$1 if [ -z "$2" ]; then _fileExtensions='htm|css|html|js' fi find ${_dir} -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*\.('${_fileExtensions}')' -print0 \ | while read -d $'\0' _staticFile do if [ -f "${_staticFile}".gz ] then FILE_ORIG=$(stat -c %Y "${_staticFile}") FILE_GZIP=$(stat -c %Y "${_staticFile}".gz) if [ $FILE_ORIG -gt $FILE_GZIP ] then rm "${_staticFile}".gz gzip -k -9 "${_staticFile}" echo "Deleted old .gz and created new one at: ${_staticFile}.gz" else echo "Skipping - Already up to date: ${_staticFile}.gz" fi else gzip -k -9 "${_staticFile}" echo "Created new: ${_staticFile}.gz" fi done } # template end; if [ -f "src/${pkgname}/config.php" ]; then backup=( "${_confDir}/config.php" ) fi build() { # Build-Environment _kopanoWebappDir="${srcdir}/kopano-webapp" cp -R /usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp \ ${_kopanoWebappDir} cp -R /usr/share/doc/kopano-webapp/tools \ ${_kopanoWebappDir}/ mkdir -p ${_kopanoWebappDir}/plugins mkdir -p ${_kopanoWebappDir}/deploy cp -R ${srcdir}/${pkgname} \ kopano-webapp/plugins/${_pluginName} cd kopano-webapp/plugins/${_pluginName} if [ -f 'Makefile' ]; then # htmleditor-quill, htmleditor-jodit, htmleditor-minimaltiny is using DESTDIR ?= deploy # SMIME is using DEPLOY instead of standard variable DESTDIR make deploy \ DESTDIR="../../deploy/plugins/${_pluginName}" \ DEPLOY="../../deploy/plugins/${_pluginName}" elif [ -f "build.xml" ]; then # Fetchmail is using different root-, target-folder ant deploy \ -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" \ -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins" else echo "Nothing to build." fi } package() { # Override _binDir=usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/${_pluginName} # BIN cd ${srcdir}/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/${_pluginName} _install root:root ${_commonPermissions} . \ ${pkgdir}/${_binDir} _compressStatic ${pkgdir}/${_binDir} # CONF if [ -e "${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/config.php" ]; then cp ${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/config.php \ ${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/config.php.dist _install http:http ${_securePermissions} ${pkgdir}/${_confDir} _install http:http ${_securePermissions} ${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/config.php \ ${pkgdir}/${_confDir}/ ln -sf ${_confDir}/config.php \ ${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/config.php fi # DOC if [ -e "${srcdir}/${_phpIni}" ]; then _install root:root ${_commonPermissions} ${pkgdir}/${_docDir} _install root:root ${_commonPermissions} ${srcdir}/${_phpIni} \ ${pkgdir}/${_docDir}/ fi # LICENSE for _licenseFile in LICENSE.txt AGPL-3 do if [ -e "${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/${_licenseFile}" ]; then _install root:root ${_commonPermissions} ${pkgdir}/${_licenseDir} _install root:root ${_commonPermissions} ${pkgdir}/${_binDir}/${_licenseFile} \ ${pkgdir}/${_licenseDir}/ fi done # STATE _install http:http ${_securePermissions} ${pkgdir}/${_stateDir} # OTHER: PHP if [ -e '${srcdir}/${_phpIni}' ]; then _install root:root ${_commonPermissions} ${srcdir}/${_phpIni} \ ${pkgdir}/etc/php/conf.d/ fi } # _setConfig PLUGIN_MDM_USER_DEFAULT_ENABLE_MDM true config.php _setConfig() { local _configAttribute="$1" local _configValue="$2" local _configFile="$(echo $3 | sed 's|\"|\\"|g')" sed -i -e "s|\(${_configAttribute}', \)\(.*\)\();$\)|\1${_configValue}\3|" ${_configFile} } # template end; prepare() { cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname} _setConfig "PLUGIN_MDM_USER_DEFAULT_ENABLE_MDM" "true" config.php _setConfig "PLUGIN_MDM_SERVER" "''" config.php _setConfig "PLUGIN_MDM_SERVER_SSL" "false" config.php }