# Maintainer: Giusy Margarita pkgname=korla-icon-theme pkgver=1.1.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="SVG icon theme suitable for every desktop environment (dark and light versions, HiDPI support)" arch=("any") url="https://github.com/bikass/korla" license=("GPL3") depends=("gtk-update-icon-cache") optdepends=( "hicolor-icon-theme: fallback Freedesktop.org Hicolor icon theme" "breeze-icons: fallback Breeze icon theme" "gnome-icon-theme: fallback Gnome icon theme") install="$pkgname.install" source=("https://github.com/bikass/korla/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz") md5sums=("311279f81547dfe5c1c5ae10f2dfd048") _iconpath=usr/share/icons _iconcache=icon-theme.cache package() { cd "$srcdir/korla-$pkgver" # Delete useless files from source folder rm -f "korla/create-new-icon-theme.cache.sh" rm -f "korla/$_iconcache" rm -f "korla-light/create-new-icon-theme.cache.sh" rm -f "korla-light/$_iconcache" install -dm755 "$pkgdir/$_iconpath" install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" # The following --no-preserve=mode option is necessary since the creator works with # the theme locally and he messed with modes in the past making some icons unreadable # and some directories not executable if installed system wide while he didn't notice # any issue because he installed the theme under the local icon folder on his system. cp -dr --no-preserve=mode "korla" "$pkgdir/$_iconpath/korla" cp -dr --no-preserve=mode "korla-light" "$pkgdir/$_iconpath/korla-light" # Create empty icon cache files, they will be filled during post_install and # post_upgrade scripts touch -a "$pkgdir/$_iconpath/korla/$_iconcache" touch -a "$pkgdir/$_iconpath/korla-light/$_iconcache" install -Dm644 "LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" }