pkgname=kylin-video-bin pkgver=2.1.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Front-end for MPlayer and MPV Qt5 Mplayer and MPV front-end, with basic features like playing videos and audios to more advanced features. It supports both x86 and ARM platform, and supports most of the audio and video formats.' url='' arch=(x86_64) source=( sha512sums=('41406b72b2fabe47be3188a338a0ed84560414640ed4931e683843220a597a584cb2a5b5906281eafa03caa31f79052fd441df253316db091e98d4a6971b4406') depends=('bash-completion' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'libx11' 'mesa-vdpau' 'mpv>=0.6.2' 'qt5-base>=5.12.2') replaces=('kylin-video') package() { cd "${srcdir}" bsdtar -xf data.tar.xz -C "$pkgdir" }