# $Id: PKGBUILD 151884 2015-12-10 04:07:37Z foutrelis $ # Maintainer: Peter Vágner # (added from qt-at-spi package) # Contributor : Martin Wimpress # Contributor: Kyle _pkgname=qt-at-spi pkgname=lib32-$_pkgname-git pkgver=0.4.0.r2.g15ab906 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A Qt plugin that bridges the QAccessible API’s to the AT-SPI 2 protocol, giving blind and visually impaired users access to qt applications." arch=(x86_64) url="http://projects.kde.org/qtatspi" license=('LGPL') depends=('lib32-at-spi2-core' 'lib32-qt4>=4.8' 'qt-at-spi') makedepends=('gcc-multilib' 'git' 'qt4') provides=('lib32-qt-at-spi') conflicts=('lib32-qt-at-spi') options=('!libtool') source=("git://anongit.kde.org/qtatspi.git") md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd qtatspi git describe --long | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { cd qtatspi # This is extremelly hacky! # Remove translation support as this is unused. # What in turn removes dependency on kdelibs # Hard dependency on 32 bit kdelibs would mean we need to pull loads of dependencies # for unused feature I'm rather adding hacks like this instead. git revert --no-commit ba3501dd3f23d5198dc5a2feef0971a68d3b26fd baaff9ba9158fd8fd33460698d73dd2c12055524 bd1221af25152ff3ba597daab73218a81e2700f3 git rm -f CMakeLists.txt src/CMakeLists.txt git revert --no-commit 07d245364cb4accc93ff1e3bdaeb559fedf1f1dc sed -ri "s:(target\.path = ).*:\1/usr/lib32/qt/plugins/accessiblebridge:g" src/src.pro sed -i 's/QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.*$/&\nQMAKE_INCDIR_QT=\/usr\/include\/qt4-32/' src/src.pro } build() { cd qtatspi/src qmake-qt4 -query qmake-qt4 -r -spec linux-g++-32 make } check() { cd qtatspi/src make -k check } package() { cd qtatspi/src make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install # Try to tidy up that mess we have introduced in prepare # To make the life a bit easier if the build is started multiple times. git reset --hard }