# Maintainer: Vincent Grande # Contributor: Andreas Radke pkgname=(libcups-nosystemd-minimal-git) pkgver=2.3.3op1 pkgrel=1 epoch=1 arch=('x86_64') license=('Apache' 'custom') #url="https://www.cups.org/" url="https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups" makedepends=('libtiff' 'libpng' 'krb5' 'gnutls' 'autoconf' 'git' 'libxcrypt') source=(git://github.com/apple/cups.git) sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd cups git describe --tags | sed 's/-/+/g' } build() { cd cups # The build system uses only DSOFLAGS but not LDFLAGS to build some libraries. # export DSOFLAGS=${LDFLAGS} # use fixed cups user (id 209) since systemd adds "lp" group without a fixed id ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var \ --sbindir=/usr/bin \ --libdir=/usr/lib \ --with-logdir=/var/log/cups \ --with-docdir=/usr/share/cups/doc \ --with-exe-file-perm=0755 \ --with-cups-user=209 \ --with-cups-group=209 \ --enable-pam=yes \ --disable-raw-printing \ --enable-dbus=no \ --with-dbusdir=/usr/share/dbus-1 \ --enable-ssl=yes \ --enable-threads \ --disable-avahi \ --disable-systemd \ --without-systemd \ --disable-debug \ --disable-debug-guards \ --disable-debug-printfs \ --disable-webif \ --disable-browsing \ --disable-page-logging \ --disable-upstart \ --disable-launchd \ --disable-dnssd \ --disable-mallinfo \ --without-snmp-address \ --disable-libusb \ --disable-libpaper \ --with-optim="$CFLAGS" # you must comment out $CFLAGS and $CXXFLAGS in makepkg.conf and add your build flags into the "--with-optim" setting make } #check() { # cd "${pkgbase}"-${pkgver} # make -k check || /bin/true # make check #} package_libcups-nosystemd-minimal-git() { pkgdesc="The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers" depends=('gnutls' 'libtiff>=4.0.0' 'libpng>=1.5.7' 'krb5' 'libusb' 'libxcrypt') provides=(libcups) conflicts=(libcups) cd cups make BUILDROOT="${pkgdir}" install-headers install-libs # put this into the libs pkg to make other software find the libs(no pkg-config file included) mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin # install -m755 "${srcdir}"/"${pkgbase}"-${pkgver}/cups-config "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/cups-config # install -m755 "${srcdir}"/"${pkgbase}"/cups-config "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/cups-config # add license + exception install -m644 -Dt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" {LICENSE,NOTICE} }