# Maintainer: Alex Richards # Contributor: Davide Depau _pkgname=libfprint pkgname=libfprint-vfs009x-git epoch=1 pkgver=1.90.1.r6.g2978dc0 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="Library for fingerprint readers (includes libre vfs0090 and vfs0097 driver)" arch=(i686 x86_64) url="https://github.com/3v1n0/libfprint" license=(LGPL) depends=(libusb nss pixman gnutls openssl gobject-introspection glib2 libgusb pixman nss openssl) makedepends=(git meson gtk-doc pkgconf usbutils) checkdepends=(cairo) optdepends=( "fprintd: D-Bus daemon that manages fingerprint readers" "validity-sensors-tools: Flash, factory reset and pair Validity fingerprint sensors 009x" "gtk3: (make) Build GTK-based demos" ) groups=(fprint-git) provides=(libfprint libfprint-2.so=2-64 libfprint-vfs009x libfprint-vfs0090 libfprint-vfs0097) conflicts=(libfprint 'fprintd>=1.92.0') replaces=(libfprint libfprint-vfs009x libfprint-vfs0090 libfprint-vfs0097) source=( "git+https://github.com/3v1n0/libfprint.git#branch=vfs0090" "0001-VFS0097-Update-vfs0090.h.patch" "0001-Do-not-checkout-the-vfs0090-submodule-in-the-meson-s.patch" ) md5sums=('SKIP' '5a8e609f8cbdaef0f7bd0004924da503' '3bdea2947f9901c30b53e0566be8e6a4') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname" git submodule update --init --recursive patch -Np1 < "$srcdir/0001-Do-not-checkout-the-vfs0090-submodule-in-the-meson-s.patch" local patch97=0 warning "NOTE:" if [[ "$VFS0097" == 1 ]]; then patch97=1 warning "Applying patch for 138a:0097 since VFS0097=1 was found in the environment" elif [[ "$VFS0097" == 0 ]]; then patch97=0 warning "Building for 138a:0090 as requested. If you wish to enable patches for 138a:0097, export VFS0097=1" elif lsusb | grep -q "138a:0097"; then patch97=1 warning "VFS0097 fingerprint reader detected - applying patch for 138a:0097" warning "If you wish to build for 138a:0090, export VFS0097=0" else warning "Building for 138a:0090. If you wish to enable patches for 138a:0097, export VFS0097=1" fi if [[ "$patch97" == 1 ]]; then cd libfprint/drivers/vfs0090 patch -Np1 < "$srcdir/0001-VFS0097-Update-vfs0090.h.patch" fi } pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname" git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^V_//;s/\([0-9]*-g\)/r\1/;s/[-_]/./g' -e 's/^v//g' -e 's/+vfs009.\..//g' } build() { cd "$srcdir" arch-meson $_pkgname build -D doc=false -D udev_rules_dir=/usr/lib/udev/rules.d ninja -C build } package() { cd "$srcdir" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C build install }