## For build instructions, see https://libguestfs.org/guestfs-building.1.html # Libguestfs: Installer: Arch # Maintainer: dreieck # Contributor: Csaba Henk # Contributor: Nikos Skalkotos # Contributor: Xiao-Long Chen # Contributor: Evaggelos Balaskas # Contributor: Peter Wu _pkgname=libguestfs pkgname="${_pkgname}-git" epoch=0 pkgver=1.51.7+4.r11933.20231030.0e37e5fee pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Access and modify virtual machine disk image" arch=( "i686" "x86_64" ) url="https://libguestfs.org" license=("GPL2" "LGPL2.1") backup=( "etc/libguestfs-tools.conf" "etc/php.d/guestfs_php.ini" "etc/xdg/virt-builder/repos.d/libguestfs.conf" "etc/xdg/virt-builder/repos.d/libguestfs.gpg" ) install="appliance.install" depends=( 'augeas>=1.2.0' 'bash' 'cdrtools' # or 'libisoburn' or 'xorriso' 'cpio' 'file' # For libmagic.so 'gcc-libs' 'glibc' 'hivex>=1.2.7' 'jansson>=2.7' 'libvirt>=0.10.2' 'libxml2' 'linux>=2.6.34' 'ncurses' 'psmisc' 'supermin>=5.1.18' 'qemu-common>=1.3.0' 'qemu-img>=1.3.0' 'xz' 'zstd' #"qemu-headless" #"augeas" #"hivex>=1.3.2" #"libconfig" #"fuse" #"file" #"cpio" #"wget" #"jansson" #"supermin>=5.1" ) makedepends=( 'bison' 'coreutils' 'flex' # 'ei' # To build the Erlang bindings. Note that Erlang ≤ 22 will not work unless you use libguestfs ≤ 1.42. 'erlang>=23' # To build the Erlang bindings. Note that Erlang ≤ 22 will not work unless you use libguestfs ≤ 1.42. 'git' 'gjs' # To build and test the GObject bindings. 'glib2' # To build and test the GObject bindings. # 'gobject-introspection' # To build and test the GObject bindings. Introspection currently deactivated, see comment in `build()`. 'gperf' 'autoconf' 'automake' 'gcc' 'gettext' # 'ghc' # To build Haskell bindings. Currently deactivated due to errors finding packages. See comment in `build()`. 'go>=1.1.1' # To build the Go bindings. 'java-runtime-headless>=1.6' 'libtool' # 'libtirpc' 'lua' # To build the LUA bindings. 'ocaml>=4.07' 'ocaml-augeas' 'ocaml-findlib' 'pcre2' 'perl' 'perl-pod-parser' 'php' # To build PHP bindings # 'phpize' # To build PHP bindings 'po4a' 'python>=3.6' 'rpcsvc-proto' # For rpcgen 'ruby' 'ruby-minitest' 'ruby-rake' 'ruby-rdoc' 'rust' # To build rust bindings. # 'vala' # To build the Vala bindings. 'valgrind' # For testing memory problems. 'wget' ) # # 2023-10-14: `check()` disabled, as takes very long, as it creates and tests several virtual machines. # checkdepends=( # "libvirt-python" # For testing Python libvirt/libguestfs interactions. # "libxml2" # For xmllint # "ntfs-3g" # For testing windows image # "ocaml-ounit>=2.0.0" # For testing the common OCaml modules. # "perl" # "perl-module-build>=0.19" # # "perl-test-more" # # "perl-test-simple" # "python>=3.6" # # 'qemu-nbd' # ) optdepends=( "acl: Library and programs for handling POSIX ACLs." "bash-completion: For tab-completion of commands in bash." "curl: Used by virt-builder for downloads." "fuse: fusermount(1), libfuse and kernel module are all needed if you want guestmount(1) and/or mount-local support." "gdisk: GPT disk support." "gnupg: Used by virt-builder for checking digital signatures." "java-runtime>=1.6: For Java bindings." "icoutils: Render icons from Windows guests." "libcap: Library and programs for handling Linux capabilities." "libconfig: To parse libguestfs's own config files." "libldm: Library and ldmtool(1) for handling Windows Dynamic Disks." "libselinux: Used by the libvirt backend to securely confine the appliance (sVirt)." "libsystemd-journal: For accessing systemd journals." "libtsk: For filesystem forensics analysis." 'lua: For LUA bindings.' "nbdkit>=1.12" "netpbm: Render icons from guests." "ocaml: For OCaml bindings." "ocaml-augeas: For OCaml augeas binding." "ocaml-gettext: For localizing OCaml virt tools." "perl: Perl Bindings; Perl module used to test virt-rescue(1)." "perl-sys-virt: Sys-Virt tools." "php: For PHP bindings." "python>=3.6: Python bindings" "python-evtx: Used by virt-log(1) to parse Windows Event Log files." "readline: For nicer command line editing in guestfish(1)." "rpm: To parse the list of applications from RPM-based guests." "ruby: For ruby bindings." "wget: For '/usr/bin/update-libguestfs-appliance'." "yara>=4.0.0: Tool for categorizing files based on their content." ) provides=( "${_pkgname}=${pkgver}" #"cargo-guestfs=${pkgver}" "erlang-guestfs=${pkgver}" #"golang-guestfs=${pkgver}" #"haskell-guestfs=${pkgver}" "java-guestfs=${pkgver}" "lua-guestfs=${pkgver}" "ocaml-guestfs=${pkgver}" "perl-guestfs=${pkgver}" "php-guestfs=${pkgver}" "python-guestfs=${pkgver}" "ruby-guestfs=${pkgver}" "guestfs-bash-completion=${pkgver}" "guestfsd=${pkgver}" "guestfish=${pkgver}" "virt-rescue=${pkgver}" "libguestfs.so" "libguestfs-gobject-1.0.so" ) conflicts=( "${_pkgname}" "guestfsd" "guestfish" "virt-rescue" ) source=( "${_pkgname}::git+https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs.git" "gnulib::git+https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/gnulib.git" "libguestfs-common::git+https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs-common.git" "libguestfs-1.48.1-disable_php_tests.patch::https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/libguestfs/-/raw/main/libguestfs-1.48.1-disable_php_tests.patch" # disable php tests, as missing arginfo definition makes them fail: https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs/issues/78 # "libguestfs-1.48.6-ocaml5.patch::https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/libguestfs/-/raw/main/libguestfs-1.48.6-ocaml5.patch" # fixes for OCaml >= 5. 2023-10-11: Seems to be present in the git checkout. "update-libguestfs-appliance" "${install}" ) sha256sums=( 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' '151d7ab43e7150c7d645eb0bad9681ce5ecc59cae44f254f08ef617ce3d9932f' # 'eb019796aede102254f22b25e10db5751891fbff8c4b7cf2d5786fd58f2b005a' '96809e9df6e349b7f5679cd62e42917b42c6f6d5b5b1d6063841d081a83beb27' '46ee0c9b3532cbbc38ddce7136b37e30ef71ad7aa004fa2fa552c9f165ee63d5' ) # LTO breaks linking into OCaml library, e.g. with building the package `virt-v2v`. options+=('!lto') prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" git submodule init git config submodule.gnulib.url $srcdir/gnulib git config submodule.oommon.url $srcdir/libguestfs-common git submodule update for _patch in "${srcdir}/libguestfs-1.48.1-disable_php_tests.patch"; do msg2 "Applying patch '$(basename ${_patch}) ...'" patch -N -p1 --follow-symlinks -i "${_patch}" done autoreconf -fiv } pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" _ver="$(git describe --tags | sed -E -e 's|^[vV]||' -e 's|\-g[0-9a-f]*$||' | tr '-' '+')" _rev="$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" _date="$(git log -1 --date=format:"%Y%m%d" --format="%ad")" _hash="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" if [ -z "${_ver}" ]; then error "Could not determine version." return 1 else printf '%s' "${_ver}.r${_rev}.${_date}.${_hash}" fi } _fix_pod_files() { # work around podfile generation isssue rm -f po-docs/podfiles make -C po-docs update-po } build() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" # 2023-10-10: Currently, Haskell bindings are disabled. To enable, change `--disable-haskell` to `--enable-haskell` and add `ghc` to `makedepends`. # 2023-10-10: Enabling haskell bindings results in build error: # ``` # make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/makepkg/build/libguestfs-git/src/libguestfs/haskell' # ghc -I../lib -L../lib/.libs -i. --make -main-is Guestfs010Load -odir .Guestfs010Load -o Guestfs010Load Guestfs010Load.hs ./Guestfs.hs -lguestfs # [1 of 2] Compiling Guestfs ( Guestfs.hs, .Guestfs010Load/Guestfs.o ) # # Guestfs.hs:539:1: error: # Could not find module ‘Prelude’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 539 | import Prelude hiding (head, tail, truncate) # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Guestfs.hs:541:1: error: # Could not find module ‘Foreign’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 541 | import Foreign # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Guestfs.hs:542:1: error: # Could not find module ‘Foreign.C’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 542 | import Foreign.C # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Guestfs.hs:543:1: error: # Could not find module ‘Foreign.C.Types’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 543 | import Foreign.C.Types # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Guestfs.hs:544:1: error: # Could not find module ‘System.IO’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 544 | import System.IO # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Guestfs.hs:545:1: error: # Could not find module ‘Control.Exception’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 545 | import Control.Exception # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Guestfs.hs:546:1: error: # Could not find module ‘Data.Typeable’ # There are files missing in the ‘base-’ package, # try running 'ghc-pkg check'. # Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for. # | # 546 | import Data.Typeable # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # make[2]: *** [Makefile:1285: Guestfs010Load] Error 1 # make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/makepkg/build/libguestfs-git/src/libguestfs/haskell' # make[1]: *** [Makefile:1089: all-recursive] Error 1 # ``` # 2023-10-10: `--enable-introspection=yes` results in build error: # ``` # Command '['/tmp/makepkg/build/libguestfs-git/src/libguestfs/gobject/tmp-introspectqgkewund/Guestfs-1.0', '--introspect-dump=/tmp/makepkg/build/libguestfs-git/src/libguestfs/gobject/tmp-introspectqgkewund/functions.txt,/tmp/makepkg/build/libguestfs-git/src/libguestfs/gobject/tmp-introspectqgkewund/dump.xml']' died with . # ``` # If re-enabling, add `gobject-introspection` to `makedepends`. # Vala is disabled as a consequence: `configure: error: Vala bindings require GObject Introspection`. If enabling, also add `vala` to `makedepends`. # 2023-10-10: `make` fails with `make: *** No rule to make target 'update-po'. Stop.`. export CARGO_HOME="${srcdir}/.cargo" export GOPATH="${srcdir}/.go" export GOBIN="${GOPATH}/bin" ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/bin \ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --sharedstatedir=/var \ --localstatedir=/var \ --runstatedir=/run \ --libdir=/usr/lib \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --oldincludedir=/usr/include \ --datarootdir=/usr/share \ --datadir=/usr/share/guestfs \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --localedir=/usr/share/locale \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/"${_pkgname}" \ --htmldir=/usr/share/doc/"${_pkgname}"/html \ --dvidir=/usr/share/doc/"${_pkgname}"/dvi \ --pdfdir=/usr/share/doc/"${_pkgname}"/pdf \ --psdir=/usr/share/doc/"${_pkgname}"/ps \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static \ --disable-werror \ --enable-largefile \ --enable-nls \ --enable-rpath \ --enable-packet-dump \ --enable-fuse \ --enable-daemon \ --enable-install-daemon \ --enable-appliance \ --enable-appliance-format-auto \ --enable-ocaml \ --enable-perl \ --enable-probes \ --enable-python \ --enable-ruby \ --disable-haskell \ --enable-php \ --enable-erlang \ --enable-lua \ --enable-golang \ --enable-gobject \ --enable-introspection=no \ --enable-rust \ --enable-vala=no \ --with-default-backend=direct \ --with-extra-packages="openssh" \ --with-guestfs-path=/usr/lib/guestfs \ --with-libvirt \ --with-qemu="qemu-system-x86_64 qemu-system-i386 qemu" \ --with-readline \ --with-java make #if ! make; then # _fix_pod_files # make #fi # for some reason ruby is not properly made (albeit enabled) make -C ruby } # # 2023-10-14: `check()` disabled, as takes very long, as it creates and tests several virtual machines. # check() { # cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" # # export CARGO_HOME="${srcdir}/.cargo" # export GOPATH="${srcdir}/.go" # export GOBIN="${GOPATH}/bin" # # # # To sanity check that the build worked, do (warning, this takes very long, as it creates and tests several virtual machines): # # make quickcheck # # # # To run the basic tests, do (warning, this takes very long, as it creates and tests several virtual machines): # # make check # # ## There are many more tests you can run. See guestfs-hacking(1) for details. # } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" export CARGO_HOME="${srcdir}/.cargo" export GOPATH="${srcdir}/.go" export GOBIN="${GOPATH}/bin" make INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install #if ! make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install; then # _fix_pod_files # make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install #fi # Clean up messed-up installation directories mv -v "${pkgdir}/lib"/* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"/ rmdir "${pkgdir}/lib" install -dvm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/guestfs" install -dvm755 "${pkgdir}/var/cache/guestfs" install -Dvm755 "${srcdir}/update-libguestfs-appliance" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/update-libguestfs-appliance" for _docfile in AUTHORS HACKING README TODO; do install -Dvm644 "${_docfile}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/${_docfile}" done for _licensefile in COPYING COPYING.LIB; do install -Dvm644 "${_licensefile}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/${_licensefile}" ln -svr "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/${_licensefile}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/${_licensefile}" done }