# $Id: PKGBUILD 144552 2015-10-21 09:06:37Z heftig $ # Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) # Contributor: Jan de Groot # Contributor: Allan McRae # x32 Maintainer: Fantix King # toolchain build order: linux-api-headers->glibc->binutils->gcc->binutils->glibc # NOTE: valgrind-multilib requires rebuild with each major glibc version _pkgbasename=glibc pkgname=libx32-$_pkgbasename pkgver=2.22 pkgrel=3.1 pkgdesc="GNU C Library (x32 ABI)" arch=('x86_64') url="http://www.gnu.org/software/libc" license=('GPL' 'LGPL') groups=() depends=() makedepends=('gcc-multilib-x32>=5.2') backup=() conflicts=('glibc-x32-seed') provides=('glibc-x32-seed') options=('!strip' 'staticlibs' '!emptydirs') source=(http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libc/${_pkgbasename}-${pkgver}.tar.xz{,.sig} glibc-2.22-roundup.patch libx32-glibc.conf) md5sums=('e51e02bf552a0a1fbbdc948fb2f5e83c' 'SKIP' 'b6b7a0e8d6e6520e40e3164ae773631d' '34a4169d2bdc5a3eb83676a0831aae57') validpgpkeys=('F37CDAB708E65EA183FD1AF625EF0A436C2A4AFF') # Carlos O'Donell prepare() { cd ${srcdir}/glibc-${pkgver} # glibc-2.21..01b07c70 patch -p1 -i $srcdir/glibc-2.22-roundup.patch mkdir ${srcdir}/glibc-build } build() { cd ${srcdir}/glibc-build #if [[ ${CARCH} = "i686" ]]; then # Hack to fix NPTL issues with Xen, only required on 32bit platforms # TODO: make separate glibc-xen package for i686 #export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs" #fi if [ -x "/opt/gcc-x32-seed/bin/gcc" ]; then echo "Using gcc-x32-seed" gcc_home=`ls -d /opt/gcc-x32-seed/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/*/` export CC="/opt/gcc-x32-seed/bin/gcc -mx32 -B"${gcc_home} export CXX="/opt/gcc-x32-seed/bin/g++ -mx32 -B"${gcc_home} seed_params='--target=x86_64-x32-linux --build=x86_64-linux --host=x86_64-x32-linux' else echo "Using gcc-multilib-x32" export CC="gcc -mx32" export CXX="g++ -mx32" seed_params='' fi echo "slibdir=/usr/libx32" >> configparms echo "rtlddir=/usr/libx32" >> configparms echo "sbindir=/usr/bin" >> configparms echo "rootsbindir=/usr/bin" >> configparms # remove hardening options for building libraries CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector-strong/} CPPFLAGS=${CPPFLAGS/-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2/} ${srcdir}/${_pkgbasename}-${pkgver}/configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/libx32 --libexecdir=/usr/libx32 \ --with-headers=/usr/include \ --with-bugurl=https://bugs.archlinux.org/ \ --enable-add-ons \ --enable-obsolete-rpc \ --enable-kernel=2.6.32 \ --enable-bind-now --disable-profile \ --enable-stackguard-randomization \ --enable-lock-elision \ --enable-multi-arch \ --disable-werror \ ${seed_params} \ x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32 # build libraries with hardening disabled echo "build-programs=no" >> configparms make # re-enable hardening for programs sed -i "/build-programs=/s#no#yes#" configparms echo "CC += -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" >> configparms echo "CXX += -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" >> configparms make # remove harding in preparation to run test-suite sed -i '5,7d' configparms } check() { cd ${srcdir}/glibc-build if [ -x "/opt/gcc-x32-seed/bin/gcc" ]; then make check || true else # some failures are "expected" make check || true fi } package() { cd ${srcdir}/glibc-build make install_root=${pkgdir} install rm -rf ${pkgdir}/{etc,sbin,usr/{bin,sbin,share},var} # We need to keep x32 ABI specific header files find ${pkgdir}/usr/include -type f -not -name '*-x32.h' -delete # Dynamic linker mkdir ${pkgdir}/usr/lib ln -s ../libx32/ld-linux-x32.so.2 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/ # Add libx32 paths to the default library search path install -Dm644 "$srcdir/libx32-glibc.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/ld.so.conf.d/libx32-glibc.conf" # Symlink /usr/libx32/locale to /usr/lib/locale ln -s ../lib/locale "$pkgdir/usr/libx32/locale" # remove the static libraries that have a shared counterpart # libc, libdl, libm and libpthread are required for toolchain testsuites # in addition libcrypt appears widely required rm $pkgdir/usr/libx32/lib{anl,BrokenLocale,nsl,resolv,rt,util}.a # Do not strip the following files for improved debugging support # ("improved" as in not breaking gdb and valgrind...): # ld-${pkgver}.so # libc-${pkgver}.so # libpthread-${pkgver}.so # libthread_db-1.0.so cd $pkgdir strip $STRIP_BINARIES \ \ \ usr/libx32/getconf/* strip $STRIP_STATIC usr/libx32/*.a strip $STRIP_SHARED usr/libx32/lib{anl,BrokenLocale,cidn,crypt}-*.so \ usr/libx32/libnss_{compat,db,dns,files,hesiod,nis,nisplus}-*.so \ usr/libx32/lib{dl,m,nsl,resolv,rt,util}-*.so \ usr/libx32/lib{memusage,pcprofile,SegFault}.so \ usr/libx32/{audit,gconv}/*.so || true # Fix issue that core/glibc didn't fix the path to /lib/ld-linux-x32.so.2 ln -s /usr/lib ${pkgdir}/libx32 }