# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Contributer: N30N # Contributer: Ted Smith set -u pkgname='lightzone-free' pkgver='2.4' pkgrel='3' pkgdesc='The last free version of LightZone, a professional photo browser and editor, like Aperture or Lightroom' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') # Not sure where to point the url. #url='http://lightcrafts.com/linux/' url='http://www.berthon.eu/2007/lightzone-24-for-linux-is-released/' license=('custom') depends_x86_64=('lib32-gcc-libs' 'lib32-libstdc++5' 'lib32-libx11' 'lib32-libxcb' 'lib32-libxtst') depends_i686=('gcc-libs' 'libstdc++5' 'libx11' 'libxtst' 'java-runtime') provides=('lightzone') conflicts=('lightzone' 'lightzone3') source=( 'http://alunamation.com/archlinux/builds/lightzone/LightZone-rev.8224.tar.gz' 'lightzone.desktop' ) sha256sums=('7da5610afe0cf431863eacaccd07c2f96655d86ddc68f3258a7a7cbc0aa8971d' '00b16af755c4927ccc549ce98b23644fe94b59e1d20132d763756326e1c782e5') #PKGEXT='.pkg.tar.gz' options=('!strip') prepare() { set -u cd 'LightZone/jre/lib' # The startup script would unpack the files but only as root. So we do it here. readarray -t _pack_files < <(find -type f -name '*.pack') local _pack_file for _pack_file in "${_pack_files[@]}"; do ../bin/unpack200 -r "${_pack_file}" "${_pack_file%.pack}" done set +u } package() { set -u cd 'LightZone' install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" ln -sf '/opt/lightzone/LightZone' "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/lightzone" install -Dpm644 "${srcdir}/lightzone.desktop" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/" install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/" mv * '.install4j' "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/" rm -f "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/.install4j/firstrun" # Either way works, tested with i686 and x86_64 if ! :; then ln -sf 'client' "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/jre/lib/i386/server" else sed -i -e "s|^-client IF_SERVER_CLASS -server|-client KNOWN -server|" \ "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/jre/lib/i386/jvm.cfg" fi # Both i686 and x86_64 work without this patch #sed -i -e "s|^# INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE=|INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE='/opt/java/jre'|" \ # "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/LightZone" #sed -i -e "s|^# INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE=|INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE='/opt/lightzone/jre'|" \ # "${pkgdir}/opt/lightzone/LightZone" set +u } set +u