# Maintainer: Cravix < dr dot neemous at gmail dot com > pkgbase=limnoria pkgname=("limnoria" "limnoria-python3") _pkgname=Limnoria pkgver=20200131 _pkgver=2020-01-31 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="An IRC bot based on Supybot, with sqlite3 support and other features" arch=('any') url="https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria" license=('3-clause BSD') depends=('python>=3.4') makedepends=('git') optdepends=("python-charade: Detect page's encoding" "python-pytz: Enable Time plugin to calculate the time in specified timezone" "python-dateutil: Enable Time plugin to parse the input time string" "python-gnupg: GnuPG support" "python-feedparser: RSS plugin support" "python-sqlalchemy: Aka plugin support" "python-socksipy-branch: SOCKS proxy support" "python-mock: For testing only" "python-cryptography: ECDSA support") conflicts=('limnoria-git' 'limnoria-python3-git') source=("https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/archive/master-${_pkgver}.tar.gz") md5sums=('f196ca8f5aa016fe99e761c3c19d1116') build() { cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname-master-${_pkgver}" python3 setup.py build } package_limnoria() { cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname-master-${_pkgver}" python3 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" || return 1 } package_limnoria-python3() { msg2 "This package contains nothing and is for migration only," msg2 "and will be removed in next month." }