# Maintainer: graysky # Contributor: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) # Contributor: Tobias Powalowski # Contributor: Thomas Baechler ### BUILD OPTIONS # Set these variables to ANYTHING that is not null to enable them # Tweak kernel options prior to a build via nconfig _makenconfig= # Optionally select a sub architecture by number if building in a clean chroot # Leaving this entry blank will require user interaction during the build # which will cause a failure to build if using makechrootpkg. Note that the # generic (default) option is 26. # # 1. AMD Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8 (MK8) # 2. AMD Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8 with SSE3 (MK8SSE3) # 3. AMD 61xx/7x50/PhenomX3/X4/II/K10 (MK10) # 4. AMD Barcelona (MBARCELONA) # 5. AMD Bobcat (MBOBCAT) # 6. AMD Jaguar (MJAGUAR) # 7. AMD Bulldozer (MBULLDOZER) # 8. AMD Piledriver (MPILEDRIVER) # 9. AMD Steamroller (MSTEAMROLLER) # 10. AMD Excavator (MEXCAVATOR) # 11. AMD Zen (MZEN) # 12. Intel P4 / older Netburst based Xeon (MPSC) # 13. Intel Atom (MATOM) # 14. Intel Core 2 (MCORE2) # 15. Intel Nehalem (MNEHALEM) # 16. Intel Westmere (MWESTMERE) # 17. Intel Silvermont (MSILVERMONT) # 18. Intel Sandy Bridge (MSANDYBRIDGE) # 19. Intel Ivy Bridge (MIVYBRIDGE) # 20. Intel Haswell (MHASWELL) # 21. Intel Broadwell (MBROADWELL) # 22. Intel Skylake (MSKYLAKE) # 23. Intel Skylake X (MSKYLAKEX) # 24. Intel Cannon Lake (MCANNONLAKE) # 25. Intel Ice Lake (MICELAKE) # 26. Generic-x86-64 (GENERIC_CPU) # 27. Native optimizations autodetected by GCC (MNATIVE) _subarch= # NUMA is optimized for multi-socket motherboards. A single multi-core CPU can # actually run slower with NUMA enabled. Most users will want to set this option # to enabled ... in other words, do not use NUMA on a single CPU system. # # It has been reported that users of CUDA require NUMA to be enabled, therefore # if you require CUDA support, be sure the variable below is set to a null # See: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=239174 _NUMAdisable=y # Compile ONLY probed modules # As of mainline 2.6.32, running with this option will only build the modules # that you currently have probed in your system VASTLY reducing the number of # modules built and the build time to do it. # # WARNING - ALL modules must be probed or loaded via a config file BEFORE you # begin making the pkg unless you're running modprobed-db (AUR) and building # this with makepkg as the user who is keeping the database. # # To keep track of which modules are needed for your specific system/hardware, # give module_db script a try: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/modprobed-db # This PKGBUILD will call it directly to probe all the modules you have logged! # # More at this wiki page ---> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Modprobed-db _localmodcfg= ### IMPORTANT: Do no edit below this line unless you know what you're doing pkgbase=linux-ck _srcver=4.19.4-arch1 pkgver=${_srcver%-*} pkgrel=1 _ckpatchversion=1 arch=(x86_64) url="https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Linux-ck" license=(GPL2) makedepends=(kmod inetutils bc libelf) options=('!strip') _ckpatchname="patch-4.19-ck${_ckpatchversion}" _gcc_more_v='20180509' source=( "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-$pkgver.tar".{xz,sign} config # the main kernel config file 60-linux.hook # pacman hook for depmod 90-linux.hook # pacman hook for initramfs regeneration linux.preset # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk "enable_additional_cpu_optimizations-$_gcc_more_v.tar.gz::https://github.com/graysky2/kernel_gcc_patch/archive/$_gcc_more_v.tar.gz" # enable_additional_cpu_optimizations_for_gcc "http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/4.0/4.19/4.19-ck${_ckpatchversion}/${_ckpatchname}.xz" 0001-add-sysctl-to-disallow-unprivileged-CLONE_NEWUSER-by.patch ) validpgpkeys=( 'ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886' # Linus Torvalds '647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E' # Greg Kroah-Hartman ) sha256sums=('a38f5606bba1f5611c798541f6c3d43267b8599d9e3167471d4b662e33ff47aa' 'SKIP' 'e296d89203a7688d69ec94d0c31e95ab83094a6f24f3c53104b3f19954d9e7dc' 'ae2e95db94ef7176207c690224169594d49445e04249d2499e9d2fbc117a0b21' '75f99f5239e03238f88d1a834c50043ec32b1dc568f2cc291b07d04718483919' 'ad6344badc91ad0630caacde83f7f9b97276f80d26a20619a87952be65492c65' '226e30068ea0fecdb22f337391385701996bfbdba37cdcf0f1dbf55f1080542d' '77863d16a08e1b3c726b6c965f1bb7c672bd7317776810121062b73f9ea26780' '112b16c247dae8ff44066fd0268012f9c623d5da349ebd66896e54257b3404a5') _kernelname=${pkgbase#linux} : ${_kernelname:=-ARCH} prepare() { cd linux-${pkgver} msg2 "Setting version..." scripts/setlocalversion --save-scmversion echo "-$pkgrel" > localversion.10-pkgrel echo "$_kernelname" > localversion.20-pkgname # fix naming schema in EXTRAVERSION of ck patch set sed -i -re "s/^(.EXTRAVERSION).*$/\1 = /" "../${_ckpatchname}" msg2 "Patching with ck patchset..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/${_ckpatchname}" local src for src in "${source[@]}"; do src="${src%%::*}" src="${src##*/}" [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue msg2 "Applying patch $src..." patch -Np1 < "../$src" done msg2 "Setting config..." cp ../config .config ### Optionally disable NUMA if [ -n "$_NUMAdisable" ]; then msg2 "Disabling NUMA from kernel config..." sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NUMA=y/# CONFIG_NUMA is not set/' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_AMD_NUMA=y/d' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_X86_64_ACPI_NUMA=y/d' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_NODES_SPAN_OTHER_NODES=y/d' \ -i -e '/# CONFIG_NUMA_EMU is not set/d' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT=6/d' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_NEED_MULTIPLE_NODES=y/d' \ -i -e '/# CONFIG_MOVABLE_NODE is not set/d' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_USE_PERCPU_NUMA_NODE_ID=y/d' \ -i -e '/CONFIG_ACPI_NUMA=y/d' ./.config fi # https://github.com/graysky2/kernel_gcc_patch msg2 "Patching to enabled additional gcc CPU optimizatons..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/kernel_gcc_patch-$_gcc_more_v/enable_additional_cpu_optimizations_for_gcc_v8.1+_kernel_v4.13+.patch" if [ -n "$_subarch" ]; then yes "$_subarch" | make oldconfig else make prepare fi ### Optionally load needed modules for the make localmodconfig # See https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/modprobed-db if [ -n "$_localmodcfg" ]; then if [ -f $HOME/.config/modprobed.db ]; then msg "Found a modprobed-db database for Steven Rostedt's make localmodconfig" make LSMOD=$HOME/.config/modprobed.db localmodconfig else msg "Running Steven Rostedt's make localmodconfig now" make localmodconfig fi fi # do not run `make olddefconfig` as it sets default options yes "" | make config >/dev/null make -s kernelrelease > ../version msg2 "Prepared %s version %s" "$pkgbase" "$(<../version)" [[ -z "$_makenconfig" ]] || make nconfig # save configuration for later reuse cat .config > "${startdir}/config.last" } build() { cd linux-${pkgver} make bzImage modules } _package() { pkgdesc="The ${pkgbase/linux/Linux} kernel and modules with the ck1 patchset featuring MuQSS CPU scheduler v0.180" #_Kpkgdesc="The ${pkgbase/linux/Linux} kernel and modules with the ck1 patchset featuring MuQSS CPU scheduler v0.180" #pkgdesc="${_Kpkgdesc}" depends=(coreutils linux-firmware kmod mkinitcpio) optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country') provides=("linux-ck=${pkgver}") backup=("etc/mkinitcpio.d/$pkgbase.preset") install=linux.install #groups=('ck-generic') local kernver="$( "$startdir/$install.pkg" true && install=$install.pkg # fill in mkinitcpio preset and pacman hooks sed "$subst" ../linux.preset | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin \ "$pkgdir/etc/mkinitcpio.d/$pkgbase.preset" sed "$subst" ../60-linux.hook | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/60-$pkgbase.hook" sed "$subst" ../90-linux.hook | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/90-$pkgbase.hook" msg2 "Fixing permissions..." chmod -Rc u=rwX,go=rX "$pkgdir" } _package-headers() { pkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for ${pkgbase/linux/Linux} kernel" #_Hpkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for ${pkgbase/linux/Linux} kernel" #pkgdesc="${_Hpkgdesc}" depends=('linux-ck') # added to keep kernel and headers packages matched provides=("linux-ck-headers=${pkgver}" "linux-headers=${pkgver}") #groups=('ck-generic') local builddir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$(