# Maintainer: Leonidas Spyropoulos # Credit to graysky for shamelessly copying PKGBUILD from linux-ck ### BUILD OPTIONS # Set these variables to ANYTHING that is not null to enable them # Tweak kernel options prior to a build via nconfig _makenconfig= # Compile ONLY probed modules # Build in only the modules that you currently have probed in your system VASTLY # reducing the number of modules built and the build time. # # WARNING - ALL modules must be probed BEFORE you begin making the pkg! # # To keep track of which modules are needed for your specific system/hardware, # give module_db script a try: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/modprobed-db # This PKGBUILD will call it directly to probe all the modules you have logged! # # More at this wiki page ---> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Modprobed-db _localmodcfg= ### IMPORTANT: Do no edit below this line unless you know what you're doing pkgbase=linux-gc _srcver=5.0-arch1 pkgver=${_srcver%-*} pkgrel=1 _pdsversion=099o _uksmversion=4.20 arch=(x86_64) url="https://cchalpha.blogspot.co.uk/" license=(GPL2) makedepends=(xmlto kmod inetutils bc libelf git python-sphinx graphviz) options=('!strip') _srcname=linux-$_srcver _psd_patch="v5.0_pds${_pdsversion}.patch" _uksm_patch="uksm-${_uksmversion}.patch" _gcc_more_v='20180509' source=( "$_srcname.tar.gz::https://git.archlinux.org/linux.git/snapshot/linux-$_srcver.tar.gz" config # the main kernel config file 60-linux.hook # pacman hook for depmod 90-linux.hook # pacman hook for initramfs regeneration linux.preset # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk "enable_additional_cpu_optimizations-$_gcc_more_v.tar.gz::https://github.com/graysky2/kernel_gcc_patch/archive/$_gcc_more_v.tar.gz" "$_psd_patch::https://gitlab.com/alfredchen/PDS-mq/raw/master/5.0/${_psd_patch}" # "$_uksm_patch::https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dolohow/uksm/master/v4.x/uksm-4.20.patch" ) validpgpkeys=( 'ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886' # Linus Torvalds '647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E' # Greg Kroah-Hartman '8218F88849AAC522E94CF470A5E9288C4FA415FA' # Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) ) sha256sums=('0b4454d76dd3e739b16dec176aab916617361fcc2fb3a3ff311ea8fa51b2334a' 'fc06735ef00a38041e0203ed9bcf18b574d7ca615cc4b4782105062872829b5f' 'ae2e95db94ef7176207c690224169594d49445e04249d2499e9d2fbc117a0b21' 'c043f3033bb781e2688794a59f6d1f7ed49ef9b13eb77ff9a425df33a244a636' 'ad6344badc91ad0630caacde83f7f9b97276f80d26a20619a87952be65492c65' '226e30068ea0fecdb22f337391385701996bfbdba37cdcf0f1dbf55f1080542d' '8119fd93d81cb048cbd6912e98cfaa6b69364685e8e8bb87a84e3c7107ca10a7') _kernelname=${pkgbase#linux} : ${_kernelname:=-gc} prepare() { cd $_srcname msg2 "Setting version..." scripts/setlocalversion --save-scmversion echo "-$pkgrel" > localversion.10-pkgrel echo "$_kernelname" > localversion.20-pkgname local src for src in "${source[@]}"; do src="${src%%::*}" src="${src##*/}" [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue msg2 "Applying patch $src..." patch -Np1 < "../$src" done msg2 "Setting config..." cp ../config .config # https://github.com/graysky2/kernel_gcc_patch msg2 "Patching to enabled additional gcc CPU optimizatons..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/kernel_gcc_patch-$_gcc_more_v/enable_additional_cpu_optimizations_for_gcc_v8.1+_kernel_v4.13+.patch" make prepare ### Optionally load needed modules for the make localmodconfig # See https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/modprobed-db if [ -n "$_localmodcfg" ]; then msg "If you have modprobed-db installed, running it in recall mode now" if [ -e /usr/bin/modprobed-db ]; then [[ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]] || { echo "Cannot call modprobe with sudo. Install sudo and configure it to work with this user." exit 1; } sudo /usr/bin/modprobed-db recall make localmodconfig fi fi # do not run `make olddefconfig` as it sets default options yes "" | make config >/dev/null make -s kernelrelease > ../version msg2 "Prepared %s version %s" "$pkgbase" "$(<../version)" [[ -z "$_makenconfig" ]] || make nconfig # save configuration for later reuse cat .config > "${startdir}/config.last" } build() { cd $_srcname make bzImage modules } _package() { pkgdesc="The ${pkgbase/linux/Linux} kernel and modules with the PDS-mq CPU scheduler and UKSM patchset" depends=(coreutils linux-firmware kmod mkinitcpio) optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country') provides=("linux-gc=${pkgver}") backup=("etc/mkinitcpio.d/$pkgbase.preset") install=linux.install local kernver="$( "$startdir/$install.pkg" true && install=$install.pkg # fill in mkinitcpio preset and pacman hooks sed "$subst" ../linux.preset | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin \ "$pkgdir/etc/mkinitcpio.d/$pkgbase.preset" sed "$subst" ../60-linux.hook | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/60-$pkgbase.hook" sed "$subst" ../90-linux.hook | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/90-$pkgbase.hook" msg2 "Fixing permissions..." chmod -Rc u=rwX,go=rX "$pkgdir" } _package-headers() { pkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for ${pkgbase/linux/Linux} kernel and UKSM patchset" depends=('linux-gc') provides=("linux-gc-headers=${pkgver}" "linux-headers=${pkgver}") local builddir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$(