# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) # Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski # Maintainer: Thomas Baechler # SELinux Maintainer: Nicolas Iooss (nicolas iooss m4x org) # # This PKGBUILD is maintained on https://github.com/archlinuxhardened/selinux. # If you want to help keep it up to date, please open a Pull Request there. pkgbase=linux-selinux pkgver=5.6.13.arch1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Linux SELinux' _srctag=v${pkgver%.*}-${pkgver##*.} url="https://git.archlinux.org/linux.git/log/?h=$_srctag" arch=(x86_64) license=(GPL2) makedepends=( bc kmod libelf xmlto python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme graphviz imagemagick git ) options=('!strip') _srcname=archlinux-linux groups=(selinux) # linux 4.18.1-arch1 moved the repository from Github to Arch Linux git. # When updating, if makepkg reports "archlinux-linux is not a clone of https://git.archlinux.org/linux.git", # you need to update the remote of the git repository, for example with the following command: # git -C archlinux-linux remote set-url origin https://git.archlinux.org/linux.git source=( "$_srcname::git+https://git.archlinux.org/linux.git?signed#tag=$_srctag" config # the main kernel config file sphinx-workaround.patch ) validpgpkeys=( 'ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886' # Linus Torvalds '647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E' # Greg Kroah-Hartman '8218F88849AAC522E94CF470A5E9288C4FA415FA' # Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) ) sha256sums=('SKIP' 'f392c9ecbb5177ea2573aaf22935322940ea2be0366f3fb9c9f861431f4aed21' '8cb21e0b3411327b627a9dd15b8eb773295a0d2782b1a41b2a8839d1b2f5778c') export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=archlinux export KBUILD_BUILD_USER=$pkgbase export KBUILD_BUILD_TIMESTAMP="$(date -Ru${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:+d @$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH})" prepare() { cd $_srcname echo "Setting version..." scripts/setlocalversion --save-scmversion echo "-$pkgrel" > localversion.10-pkgrel echo "${pkgbase#linux}" > localversion.20-pkgname local src for src in "${source[@]}"; do src="${src%%::*}" src="${src##*/}" [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue echo "Applying patch $src..." patch -Np1 < "../$src" done echo "Setting config..." cp ../config .config make olddefconfig make -s kernelrelease > version echo "Prepared $pkgbase version $(