# Maintainer: Kevin Baxmann # Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Contributor: Andreas Pieber set -u pkgname='liquibase' pkgver='3.9.0' pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='VCS source control tailored for database management' arch=('any') url="http://www.liquibase.org/" license=('Apache') depends=('java-environment') _giturl="https://github.com/liquibase/${pkgname}" _verwatch=("${_giturl}/releases.atom" '\s\+.*' 'f') # RSS options=('!strip') source=("https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/releases/download/v${pkgver}/liquibase-${pkgver}.tar.gz" "liquibase.profile") sha256sums=('68eda6527ef36b45aff70a755e5660a15d82079a0074b56b7da3c7aede8b5a61' '7c1939e5b1aee63db199c86989726bbdf81102784512ed69f8595fddf80c30c0') package() { set -u # install profile file #install -Dpm644 "${srcdir}/liquibase.profile" "${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/liquibase.sh" # sed makes it easy to not forget our underprivileged csh users #install -Dpm644 <(sed -e 's:export :setenv :g' -e 's:=: :g' "${srcdir}/liquibase.profile") "${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/liquibase.csh" # This binary link removes the need for the profile files that require a logout to make work install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" ln -s '/opt/liquibase/liquibase' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" # create folders install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/liquibase" # move liquibase tar content to /opt/liquibase find "${srcdir}/." -maxdepth 1 -not -type 'l' -not -name '*.' -exec mv '{}' "${pkgdir}/opt/liquibase/" ';' #cp -r ${srcdir}/* ${pkgdir}/opt/liquibase # make liquibase executable chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/opt/liquibase/liquibase" # remove files for other platforms rm -f "${pkgdir}/opt/liquibase"/{liquibase.bat,liquibase.spec} install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/" ln -s '/opt/liquibase/LICENSE.txt' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/" set +u } set +u