# Maintainer: Lucki # Contributor: Carl Reinke pkgname=lix pkgver=0.9.10 pkgrel=1 changelog=.CHANGELOG conflicts=("${pkgname}-git") source=("${pkgname}::git+https://github.com/SimonN/LixD.git#tag=v${pkgver}" "${pkgname}-music-1.zip::http://www.lixgame.com/dow/lix-music.zip" "${pkgname}.desktop") sha512sums=('SKIP' '37349c98b739ea43c25137dd03865f1c9c41eec91e5edc109afd9d50ce3871bd0c7f63c3f3599a47bb4ef52f5bfd14e034010de0ac2aec5a9c0c83eaf0b89425' '52d49562cd9be4eec76b464153af1cce2211fdbd6113a6a60df042f7e8f7e6a8f1942df883dfaaa6c1bbfea004c4154d884dfa767e25fa3fadf9c58be1103fe6') _pkgname=${pkgname} # template start; name=lix; version=0.5; pkgdesc="An action-puzzle game inspired by Lemmings" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.lixgame.com/" license=('custom:CC0') depends=('allegro' 'enet') makedepends=('git' 'dmd' 'dub') build() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" _r=0 # force an upgrade of the dependencies to the local folder, without --cache=local they get added to the users home directory dub upgrade --cache=local # add local dependencies to search path dub add-local allegro-*/allegro dub add-local derelict-enet-*/derelict-enet dub add-local derelict-util-*/derelict-util dub add-local enumap-*/enumap # force FHS compatibility with '-b releaseXDG' dub build -f -b releaseXDG --cache=local || _r=$? # remove local dependencies from search path so dub don't find them later again dub remove-local allegro-*/allegro dub remove-local derelict-enet-*/derelict-enet dub remove-local derelict-util-*/derelict-util dub remove-local enumap-*/enumap dub clean-caches if [[ "$_r" != 0 ]] ; then # dub failed so we also fail after we removed the local dependencies return "$_r"; fi } check() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" _r=0 # force an upgrade of the dependencies to the local folder, without --cache=local they get added to the users home directory dub upgrade --cache=local # add local dependencies to search path dub add-local allegro-*/allegro dub add-local derelict-enet-*/derelict-enet dub add-local derelict-util-*/derelict-util dub add-local enumap-*/enumap dub test --cache=local || _r=$? # remove local dependencies from search path so dub don't find them later again dub remove-local allegro-*/allegro dub remove-local derelict-enet-*/derelict-enet dub remove-local derelict-util-*/derelict-util dub remove-local enumap-*/enumap dub clean-caches if [[ "$_r" != 0 ]] ; then # dub failed so we also fail after we removed the local dependencies return "$_r" fi } package() { cd "${srcdir}" install -Dm644 "${_pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${_pkgname}.desktop" cd "${_pkgname}" install -Dm644 "data/images/${_pkgname}_logo.svg" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/${_pkgname}.svg" install -Dm644 "doc/copying.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${_pkgname}/COPYING" install -Dm755 "bin/${_pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_pkgname}" # https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2011-November/016777.html mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}" cp -dpr --no-preserve=ownership "doc/." "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/" cp -dpr --no-preserve=ownership "data" "images" "levels" "${srcdir}/music" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}" } # template end;