# Maintainer: Lone_Wolf # Contributor: blackmoon3 # Contributor: yurikoles # Contributor: bearoso # Contributor: Luchesar V. ILIEV # Contributor: Anders Bergh # Contributor: Armin K. # Contributor: Christian Babeux # Contributor: Jan "heftig" Steffens # Contributor: Evangelos Foutras # Contributor: Hesiod (https://github.com/hesiod) # Contributor: Roberto Alsina # Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail > # Contributor: Tomas Lindquist Olsen # Contributor: Tomas Wilhelmsson pkgbase=llvm-minimal-git pkgname=(llvm-minimal-git llvm-libs-minimal-git clang-minimal-git clang-libs-minimal-git clang-opencl-headers-minimal-git) pkgver=19.0.0_r493341.fb5fd2d82f9b pkgrel=1 arch=('x86_64') url="https://llvm.org/" license=('custom:Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception') makedepends=(git cmake libffi libedit ncurses libxml2 libxcrypt python python-setuptools) source=("git+https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git" ) md5sums=('SKIP') sha512sums=('SKIP') # explicitly disable lto & debug to reduce number of build hangs , resources needed and runtime issues options=(!lto !debug ) # LIT by default uses all available cores. this can lead to heavy stress on systems making them unresponsive. # It can also happen that the kernel oom killer interferes and kills important tasks. # A reasonable value to avoid these issues appears to be 75% of available cores. # LITFLAGS is an env vars that can be used to achieve this. It should be set on command line or in files read by your shell on login (like .bashrc ) . # example for systems with 24 cores # LITFLAGS="-j 18" # NOTE: It's your responbility to validate the value of LITFLAGS. If unsure, don't set it. _major_ver=19 _get_distribution_components() { local target local include make help | grep -Po 'install-\K.*(?=-stripped)' | while read -r target; do case $target in llvm-libraries|clang-libraries|clang-tidy-headers|distribution ) include=0 ;; # shared libraries LLVM|LLVMgold ) include=1 ;; # libraries needed for clang-tblgen LLVMDemangle|LLVMSupport|LLVMTableGen ) include=1 ;; # exclude static libraries LLVM* ) include=0 ;; # exclude llvm-exegesis (doesn't seem useful without libpfm) llvm-exegesis ) include=0 ;; clang|clangd|clang-* ) include=1 ;; clang*|findAllSymbols ) include=0 ;; # Anything not covered above is included * ) include=1 esac if [ $include -eq 1 ]; then echo $target fi done } pkgver() { cd llvm-project/cmake/Modules # This will almost match the output of `llvm-config --version` when the # LLVM_APPEND_VC_REV cmake flag is turned on. The only difference is # dash being replaced with underscore because of Pacman requirements. local _pkgver=$(awk -F 'MAJOR |MINOR |PATCH |)' \ 'BEGIN { ORS="." ; i=0 } \ /set\(LLVM_VERSION_/ { print $2 ; i++ ; if (i==2) ORS="" } \ END { print "\n" }' \ LLVMVersion.cmake)_r$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) echo "${_pkgver}" } build() { local cmake_args=( -G "Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -D LLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=/usr/include -D FFI_INCLUDE_DIR=$(pkg-config --variable=includedir libffi) -D LLVM_VERSION_SUFFIX="" -D LLVM_APPEND_VC_REV=ON -D LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE=$CHOST -D LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="AMDGPU;X86" -D LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=ON -D LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB=ON -D CLANG_LINK_CLANG_DYLIB=ON -D LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS="all" -D LLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON -D LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON -D LLVM_ENABLE_FFI=ON -D LLVM_USE_PERF=ON -D LLVM_INCLUDE_BENCHMARKS=OFF -D LLVM_INCLUDE_EXAMPLES=OFF -D LLVM_BUILD_DOCS=OFF -D LLVM_INCLUDE_DOCS=OFF -D LLVM_ENABLE_OCAMLDOC=OFF -D LLVM_ENABLE_SPHINX=OFF -D LLVM_ENABLE_DOXYGEN=OFF -D LLVM_ENABLE_BINDINGS=OFF -D LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="compiler-rt;clang-tools-extra;clang" -D LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP=ON -D LLVM_LIT_ARGS="$LITFLAGS"" -sv --ignore-fail" ) # build aborts with FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 , see https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/85509 export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3/_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2}" cmake -B _build -S "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm "${cmake_args[@]}" -Wno-dev pushd "$srcdir"/_build local distribution_components=$(_get_distribution_components | paste -sd\;) popd test -n "$distribution_components" cmake_args+=(-D LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS="$distribution_components") cmake -B _build -S "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm "${cmake_args[@]}" -Wno-dev make -C _build } check() { make -C _build check-llvm make -C _build check-clang make -C _build check-clang-tools } package_llvm-minimal-git() { pkgdesc="Collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies" depends=(llvm-libs-minimal-git="$pkgver-$pkgrel") provides=('llvm') conflicts=('llvm') optdepends=('python: for using lit (LLVM Integrated Tester)' 'python-setuptools: for using lit' ) make -C _build DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install-distribution # Include lit for running lit-based tests in other projects pushd "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm/utils/lit python3 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" -O1 # -O1 ensures the python files for lit will be optimized popd # Remove files which conflict with repo llvm-libs rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/{LLVMgold,lib{LLVM,LTO}}.so rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libRemarks.so # prepare folders in srcdir to store files that are placed in other package_*() functions mkdir -p "$srcdir"{/llvm-libs/usr/lib,/clang-libs/usr/lib,/clang-opencl-headers/usr/{lib/clang/$_major_ver/include,include/clang/Basic}} # The llvm runtime libraries go into llvm-libs-minimal-git mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/{libLLVM*.so*,libLTO.so.*,libRemarks.so.*} "$srcdir"/llvm-libs/usr/lib # The clang runtime libraries go into clang-libs-minimal-git mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libclang{,-cpp}.so* "$srcdir"/clang-libs/usr/lib # clang opencl files go to clang-opencl-headers-git mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/clang/$_major_ver/include/opencl* "$srcdir"/clang-opencl-headers/usr/lib/clang/$_major_ver/include mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/include/clang/Basic/OpenCL* "$srcdir"/clang-opencl-headers/usr/include/clang/Basic # clang-minimal-git files go to a separate package mkdir -p "$srcdir"/clang/usr/{bin,include,lib,lib/cmake,share} mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/{libear,libscanbuild,clang} "$srcdir"/clang/usr/lib mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/cmake/clang "$srcdir"/clang/usr/lib/cmake/ mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/include/{clang,clang-c} "$srcdir"/clang/usr/include/ # llvm project uses /usr/libexec and setting CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR doesn't affect that. # to comply with archlinux packaging standards we have to move some files manually mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/libexec/* "$srcdir"/clang/usr/lib/clang rmdir "$pkgdir"/usr/libexec mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/{analyze-build,c-index-test,clang*,diagtool,find-all-symbols,git-clang-format,hmaptool,intercept-build,modularize,pp-trace,run-clang-tidy,scan-build,scan-build-py,scan-view} "$srcdir"/clang/usr/bin/ mv -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{clang,man,opt-viewer,scan-build,scan-view} "$srcdir"/clang/usr/share/ install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/"$pkgname"/LICENSE.TXT } package_llvm-libs-minimal-git() { pkgdesc="LLVM runtime libraries, trunk version" depends=(gcc-libs zlib libffi libedit ncurses libxml2 llvm-libs) # some applications expect llvmgold.so to be present and fail badly if it isn't. # adding repo llvm-libs as depend is the easiest solution cp --preserve --recursive "$srcdir"/llvm-libs/* "$pkgdir"/ install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.TXT } _python_optimize() { python -m compileall "$@" python -O -m compileall "$@" python -OO -m compileall "$@" } package_clang-minimal-git(){ pkgdesc='C language family frontend for LLVM (git version)' depends=(llvm-libs-minimal-git clang-libs-minimal-git gcc) optdepends=('openmp: OpenMP support in clang with -fopenmp' 'python: for scan-view, scan-build, git-clang-format, clang-rename and python bindings' 'llvm-minimal-git: referenced by some clang headers') conflicts=(compiler-rt clang) provides=(compiler-rt clang clang-analyzer clang-tools-extra) cp --preserve --recursive "$srcdir"/clang/* "$pkgdir"/ # Move scanbuild-py into site-packages local site_packages=$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])") install -d "$pkgdir/$site_packages" mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/{libear,libscanbuild} "$pkgdir/$site_packages/" sed -i 's|libexec|lib/clang|' \ "$pkgdir/usr/bin/scan-build" \ "$pkgdir/$site_packages/libscanbuild/analyze.py" # Compile Python scripts _python_optimize "$pkgdir"/usr/share "$pkgdir"/$site_packages install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/compiler-rt/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/compiler-rt-LICENSE.TXT install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/clang-tools-extra-LICENSE.TXT install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/clang/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/clang-LICENSE.TXT } package_clang-libs-minimal-git() { pkgdesc="clang runtime libraries, trunk version" depends=(llvm-libs-minimal-git="$pkgver-$pkgrel") # the functionality offered by this package is part of the clang repo pacakge. # TODO: when/if this functionality is split off from repo clang, verify if changes are needed to this package provides=('clang-libs') conflicts=("clang<$pkgver-$pkgrel" 'clang-libs') cp --preserve --recursive "$srcdir"/clang-libs/* "$pkgdir"/ install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.TXT } package_clang-opencl-headers-minimal-git() { pkgdesc="clang headers & include files for OpenCL, trunk version" depends=(clang-libs-minimal-git="$pkgver-$pkgrel") # the functionality offered by this package is part of the clang repo package. # As far as I know rusticl from mesa is the only known user. # TODO: when/if this functionality is split off from repo clang, verify if changes are needed to this package provides=('clang-opencl-headers') conflicts=("clang<$pkgver-$pkgrel" 'clang-opencl-headers') cp --preserve --recursive "$srcdir"/clang-opencl-headers/* "$pkgdir"/ install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/llvm-project/llvm/LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.TXT } # 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