# Maintainer: Albert Graef # Contributor: Evangelos Foutras # Contributor: Jan "heftig" Steffens # Contributor: Sebastian Nowicki # Contributor: Devin Cofer # Contributor: Tobias Kieslich # Contributor: Geoffroy Carrier # Contributor: Tomas Lindquist Olsen # Contributor: Roberto Alsina # Contributor: Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi # These packages are meant to be used for compiling packages that haven't been # ported to LLVM 3.6 yet. Such packages may depend on llvm35-libs but not on # llvm35 or clang35 which aren't co-installable with the LLVM 3.6 packages. # AG Fri Apr 6 07:18:08 CEST 2018: Resurrected from extra from which it # recently got kicked, with the following changes: # - couldn't get compiler-rt to compile any more, disabled for now # - include the host target only, to speed up compilation; if you need the # cross compilation targets, change the configure option in the build # function to --enable-targets=all # Please note that this is a split package, thus you need to install this with # an AUR helper such as aurman which supports that kind of thing, or download # the PKGBUILD and install manually using makepkg. pkgbase=llvm35 pkgname=('llvm35' 'llvm35-libs' 'clang35') pkgver=3.5.2 pkgrel=8 arch=('x86_64') url="http://llvm.org/" license=('custom:University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License') makedepends=('libffi' 'python-sphinx' 'groff') # Use gcc-multilib to build 32-bit compiler-rt libraries on x86_64 (FS#41911) makedepends_x86_64=('gcc-multilib') options=('staticlibs') source=(https://releases.llvm.org/$pkgver/llvm-$pkgver.src.tar.xz https://releases.llvm.org/$pkgver/cfe-$pkgver.src.tar.xz #https://releases.llvm.org/$pkgver/compiler-rt-$pkgver.src.tar.xz llvm-3.5.0-force-link-pass.o.patch gcc5.patch gcc10.patch gcc11.patch llvm-Config-config.h llvm-Config-llvm-config.h) sha256sums=('44196156d5749eb4b4224fe471a29cc3984df92570a4a89fa859f7394fc0c575' '4feb575f74fb3a74b6245400460230141bf610f235ef3a25008cfe6137828620' #'542d7aadd21e7fe35bea0a7912bc965f08a1a566746cebcca76f96dcfeb74dc3' '5702053503d49448598eda1b8dc8c263f0df9ad7486833273e3987b5dec25a19' 'c964eecdfb0cbf4d2a59a553d7bdb3f16e70d8910e6aa7e9c768828ecbdfcea2' '75bfba16c3bf6fd4fc3d4807969f64a68e5259ca6d15b560333cdac9baf09df2' '51cad8d6affb224fe2a9f75814650554983f0714921ae375064d83adc644aba3' '312574e655f9a87784ca416949c505c452b819fad3061f2cde8aced6540a19a3' '597dc5968c695bbdbb0eac9e8eb5117fcd2773bc91edf5ec103ecffffab8bc48') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src" # At the present, clang must reside inside the LLVM source code tree to build # See http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4840 mv "$srcdir/cfe-$pkgver.src" tools/clang # AG: Can't get this to compile -- disabled for now. #mv "$srcdir/compiler-rt-$pkgver.src" projects/compiler-rt # Fix docs installation directory sed -i 's:$(PROJ_prefix)/docs/llvm:$(PROJ_prefix)/share/doc/llvm:' \ Makefile.config.in # Fix definition of LLVM_CMAKE_DIR in LLVMConfig.cmake sed -i '/@LLVM_CONFIG_CMAKE_DIR@/s:$(PROJ_cmake):$(PROJ_prefix)/share/llvm/cmake:' \ cmake/modules/Makefile # Fix build with GCC 4.9 (patch from Debian) # http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20067 patch -Np1 -i ../llvm-3.5.0-force-link-pass.o.patch # Fix build with GCC 5.1 # http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=218295 patch -Np0 -i ../gcc5.patch # -fvisibility-inlines-hidden breaks the build with GCC 10 patch -Np0 -i ../gcc10.patch # various compile errors with gcc 11 patch -Np0 -i ../gcc11.patch } build() { cd "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src" # Include location of libffi headers in CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS+=" $(pkg-config --cflags libffi)" # Force the use of GCC instead of clang # AG: Only build the host target for now, builds much quicker. CC=gcc CXX=g++ \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --enable-shared \ --enable-optimized \ --enable-libffi \ --enable-targets=host \ --disable-assertions \ --with-binutils-include=/usr/include make REQUIRES_RTTI=1 make -C docs -f Makefile.sphinx man make -C docs -f Makefile.sphinx html make -C tools/clang/docs -f Makefile.sphinx html } package_llvm35() { pkgdesc="Low Level Virtual Machine" depends=("llvm35-libs=$pkgver-$pkgrel" 'perl') conflicts=('llvm') cd "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src" # We move the clang directory out of the tree so it won't get installed and # then we bring it back in for the clang package mv tools/clang "$srcdir" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install mv "$srcdir/clang" tools/ # The runtime library goes into llvm35-libs mv -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libLLVM-$pkgver.so" "$srcdir/" mv -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libLLVM-${pkgver%.*}.so" "$srcdir/" # Fix permissions of static libs chmod -x "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/*.a # Get rid of example Hello transformation rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/*LLVMHello.* # Remove LTO libs which conflict with llvm-libs rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/{LLVMgold,libLTO,BugpointPasses}.so if [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]]; then # Needed for multilib (https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/29951) # Header stubs are taken from Fedora for _header in config llvm-config; do mv "$pkgdir/usr/include/llvm/Config/$_header"{,-64}.h cp "$srcdir/llvm-Config-$_header.h" \ "$pkgdir/usr/include/llvm/Config/$_header.h" done fi # Install man pages install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1" cp docs/_build/man/*.1 "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/" # Install html docs cp -r docs/_build/html/* "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/llvm/html/" rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/llvm/html/_sources" install -Dm644 LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" } package_llvm35-libs() { pkgdesc="Low Level Virtual Machine (runtime library)" depends=('gcc-libs' 'zlib' 'libffi' 'ncurses' 'libedit') install -d "$pkgdir/usr/lib" cp -P \ "$srcdir/libLLVM-$pkgver.so" \ "$srcdir/libLLVM-${pkgver%.*}.so" \ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/" install -Dm644 "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src/LICENSE.TXT" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" } package_clang35() { pkgdesc="C language family frontend for LLVM" url="http://clang.llvm.org/" depends=("llvm35-libs=$pkgver-$pkgrel" 'gcc') optdepends=('llvm-libs: for compiling with -flto') conflicts=('clang') # Fix installation path for clang docs sed -i 's:$(PROJ_prefix)/share/doc/llvm:$(PROJ_prefix)/share/doc/clang:' \ "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src/Makefile.config" cd "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src/tools/clang" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # Fix permissions of static libs chmod -x "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/*.a # Revert the path change in case we want to do a repackage later sed -i 's:$(PROJ_prefix)/share/doc/clang:$(PROJ_prefix)/share/doc/llvm:' \ "$srcdir/llvm-$pkgver.src/Makefile.config" # Install html docs cp -r docs/_build/html/* "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/clang/html/" rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/clang/html/_sources" install -Dm644 LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: