# Maintainer: wuxxin # env vars for build steering, eg. to only build for cpu, set _ENABLE_CUDA and _ENABLE_ROCM to 0 _ENABLE_CPU=${_ENABLE_CPU:-1} _ENABLE_CUDA=${_ENABLE_CUDA:-1} _ENABLE_ROCM=${_ENABLE_ROCM:-1} # if GPU_TARGETS and AMDGPU_TARGETS are not set, populate build architecture list from arch:python-pytorch@2.2.2-3 _AMDGPU_TARGETS="gfx906;gfx908;gfx90a;gfx940;gfx941;gfx942;gfx1010;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102" if test -n "$GPU_TARGETS"; then _AMDGPU_TARGETS="$GPU_TARGETS"; fi if test -n "$AMDGPU_TARGETS"; then _AMDGPU_TARGETS="$AMDGPU_TARGETS"; fi # available GO_TAGS (use space as seperator): tts tinydream stablediffusion _GO_TAGS="${_GO_TAGS:-}" _OPTIONAL_GRPC="${_OPTIONAL_GRPC:-}" # optional args for main Makefile calling _OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS="${_OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS:-}" # limit external sources to llama.cpp, go-piper, whisper.cpp, go-bert and go-tiny-dream and submodules # disabled sources: sources/go-llama.cpp sources/gpt4all sources/go-rwkv.cpp sources/go-stable-diffusion sources/go-bert _EXTERNAL_SOURCES="${_EXTERNAL_SOURCES:-backend/cpp/llama/llama.cpp sources/go-piper sources/whisper.cpp sources/go-tiny-dream}" if test -n "$(echo "$_GO_TAGS" | grep -o "tts")"; then _OPTIONAL_GRPC="backend-assets/grpc/piper $_OPTIONAL_GRPC" fi if test -n "$(echo "$_GO_TAGS" | grep -o "stablediffusion")"; then _OPTIONAL_GRPC="backend-assets/grpc/stablediffusion $_OPTIONAL_GRPC" fi if test -n "$(echo "$_GO_TAGS" | grep -o "tinydream")"; then _OPTIONAL_GRPC="backend-assets/grpc/tinydream $_OPTIONAL_GRPC" fi # backends to be build: llama-cpp, local-store, whisper # disabled backends: all python, bert-embeddings llama-ggml gpt4all rwkv _GRPC_BACKENDS="$_OPTIONAL_GRPC backend-assets/grpc/llama-cpp backend-assets/grpc/local-store backend-assets/grpc/whisper" _pkgname="localai" pkgbase="${_pkgname}-git" pkgname=() pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Self-hosted OpenAI API alternative - Open Source, community-driven and local-first." url="https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI" license=('MIT') arch=('x86_64') provides=('localai' "local-ai=${pkgver}") conflicts=('localai' 'local-ai') depends=( 'grpc' ) makedepends=( 'go' 'git' 'cmake' 'protoc-gen-go' 'protoc-gen-go-grpc' 'opencv' 'blas-openblas' 'sdl2' 'ffmpeg' ) if test "$(echo "$_GO_TAGS" | grep -o "tts")" = "tts"; then depends+=( 'onnxruntime' ) makedepends+=( 'onnxruntime' 'libucd-git' ) fi if [[ $_ENABLE_CPU = 1 ]]; then pkgname+=("${pkgbase}") fi if [[ $_ENABLE_CUDA = 1 ]]; then pkgname+=("${pkgbase}-cuda") makedepends+=( 'cuda' 'cudnn' 'nccl' 'magma-cuda' ) fi if [[ $_ENABLE_ROCM = 1 ]]; then pkgname+=("${pkgbase}-rocm") makedepends+=( 'rocm-hip-sdk' 'miopen-hip' 'rccl' 'magma-hip' ) fi source=( "${_pkgname}"::"git+https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI" ) sha256sums=( 'SKIP' ) pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" (git describe --always --tags | tr "-" "." | tail -c +2) } prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}" # display config echo "_ENABLE_CPU=$_ENABLE_CPU" echo "_ENABLE_CUDA=$_ENABLE_CUDA" echo "_ENABLE_ROCM=$_ENABLE_ROCM" echo "_GO_TAGS=$_GO_TAGS" echo "_OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS=$_OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS" echo "_EXTERNAL_SOURCES=$_EXTERNAL_SOURCES" echo "_OPTIONAL_GRPC=$_OPTIONAL_GRPC" echo "_GRPC_BACKENDS=$_GRPC_BACKENDS" # modify get-sources sed -ri "s#get-sources: .*#get-sources: $_EXTERNAL_SOURCES#g" Makefile # remove go mod edits for inactive backend sources sed -ri 's#.+\-replace github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/gpt4all.+##g' Makefile sed -ri 's#.+\-replace github.com/donomii/go-rwkv.cpp.+##g' Makefile sed -ri 's#.+\-replace github.com/go-skynet/go-llama.cpp.+##g' Makefile sed -ri 's#.+\-replace github.com/go-skynet/go-bert.cpp.+##g' Makefile sed -ri 's#.+\-replace github.com/mudler/go-stable-diffusion.+##g' Makefile # verbose output of find # sed -ri 's#^([\t ]+)(LLAMA_VERSION=.+-C backend/cpp/llama grpc-server[\t ]*)#\1CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} --debug-find" \2##g' Makefile # fetch sources of backends to be recursive git checked out before build() mkdir -p "sources" make $_OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS $_EXTERNAL_SOURCES # fix piper build mkdir -p "sources/go-piper/piper-phonemize/pi/lib" touch "sources/go-piper/piper-phonemize/pi/lib/keep" sed -ri 's#(\$\(MAKE\) -C sources/go-piper libpiper_binding.a) example/main#\1#g' Makefile # # fix stablediffusion # sed -ri "s/^(#include )/\1src\/\2\3/g" \ # sources/go-stable-diffusion/stablediffusion.hpp # copy for different build types cd "${srcdir}" for n in "${_pkgname}-cpu" "${_pkgname}-cuda" "${_pkgname}-rocm"; do if test -d "$n"; then rm -rf "$n"; fi cp -r "${_pkgname}" "$n" done # ROCM fixes cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-rocm" # fix build error on ROCM by removing unsupported cf-protection from CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS sed -i '1s/^/string(REPLACE "-fcf-protection" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")\n/' \ backend/cpp/llama/llama.cpp/CMakeLists.txt # fix --offload-arch for multiple GPU_TARGETS, makefile does "," splitting, data is ";" # also: --ofload-arch is deprecated, replace it with -DGPU_TARGETS for i in backend/cpp/llama/llama.cpp/Makefile sources/whisper.cpp/Makefile; do sed -ri 's/^(.+HIPFLAGS.+\+=).+offload-arch=.+$/\1 -DGPU_TARGETS="$(GPU_TARGETS)"/g' "$i" done } _build() { if test -n "$(echo "$_GO_TAGS" | grep -o "stablediffusion")"; then make BUILD_TYPE="$1" GRPC_BACKENDS="backend-assets/grpc/stablediffusion" GO_TAGS="$_GO_TAGS" $_OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS build fi make BUILD_TYPE="$1" GRPC_BACKENDS="$_GRPC_BACKENDS" GO_TAGS="$_GO_TAGS" $_OPTIONAL_MAKE_ARGS build } build() { if [[ $_ENABLE_CPU = 1 ]]; then cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-cpu" _build openblas fi if [[ $_ENABLE_CUDA = 1 ]]; then cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-cuda" export CUDA_HOME="${CUDA_HOME:-/opt/cuda}" export PATH="$CUDA_HOME/bin:$PATH" MAGMA_HOME="$CUDA_HOME/targets/x86_64-linux" CUDA_LIBPATH="$CUDA_HOME/lib64/" \ _build cublas fi if [[ $_ENABLE_ROCM = 1 ]]; then cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-rocm" export ROCM_HOME="${ROCM_HOME:-/opt/rocm}" export PATH="$ROC_HOME/bin:$PATH" MAGMA_HOME="$ROCM_HOME" AMDGPU_TARGETS="$_AMDGPU_TARGETS" GPU_TARGETS="$_AMDGPU_TARGETS" \ _build hipblas fi } _package_install() { install -Dm755 "local-ai" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/local-ai" install -Dm644 README.md -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}" install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${_pkgname}" } package_localai-git() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-cpu" depends+=('openblas') _package_install } package_localai-git-cuda() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-cuda" pkgdesc+=' (with CUDA support)' depends+=('cuda') _package_install } package_localai-git-rocm() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-rocm" pkgdesc+=' (with ROCM support)' depends+=('rocm-hip-runtime' 'hipblas' 'rocblas') _package_install }