# Maintainer: ghesy pkgname=luastatus-luajit-git pkgver=r773.8d01bdf pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='luastatus (a status bar content generator) built with luajit for better performance - git version' url='https://github.com/shdown/luastatus' arch=('x86_64') license=('LGPL3') provides=('luastatus') conflicts=('luastatus') depends=('luajit>=2.0.0') makedepends=( 'git' 'cmake' 'pkg-config' 'python-docutils' 'libxcb>=1.10' 'yajl>=2.0.4' 'alsa-lib>=' 'libpulse>=4.0' 'libudev.so' 'libnl>=3.0' 'glib2>=2.40.2' 'libx11>=1.6.2' 'xcb-util>=0.3.8' 'xcb-util-wm>=0.4.1' ) optdepends=( "luastatus-meta: provides all luastatus dependencies" "lua51-luautf8: for general UTF-8 support" "libxcb>=1.10: for barlib 'dwm' and plugin 'xtitle'" "yajl>=2.0.4: for barlib 'i3'" "alsa-lib>= for plugin 'alsa'" "libpulse>=4.0: for plugin 'pulse'" "libudev.so: for plugin 'battery-linux', 'backlight-linux' and 'udev'" "libnl>=3.0: for plugin 'network'" "glib2>=2.40.2: for plugin 'dbus'" "libx11>=1.6.2: for plugin 'xkb'" "xcb-util>=0.3.8: for plugin 'xtitle'" "xcb-util-wm>=0.4.1: for plugin 'xtitle'" ) source=("git+${url}.git") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd 'luastatus' printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } build() { cd 'luastatus' cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DWITH_LUA_LIBRARY=luajit -DBUILD_PLUGIN_PULSE=ON \ -DBUILD_PLUGIN_UNIXSOCK=ON . make } package() { cd 'luastatus' make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/luastatus/" install -Dm644 'DOCS/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md' -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/luastatus/" ||: cp -r 'examples' -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/luastatus/" ||: } # vim:noexpandtab