# Maintainer: Mark Wagie # Contributor: Victor Fuentes # Contributor: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) # Contributor: Michael DeGuzis # Contributor: Frederik “Freso” S. Olesen # Contributor: Maxime Gauduin pkgname=lutris-git pkgver=0.5.12.r299.g83b037cc pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Open Gaming Platform' arch=('any') url='https://lutris.net/' license=('GPL3') depends=('cabextract' 'curl' 'glib2' 'gtk3' 'mesa-utils' 'p7zip' 'psmisc' 'python-certifi' 'python-dbus' 'python-distro' 'python-gobject' 'python-lxml' 'python-pillow' 'python-requests' 'python-yaml' 'unzip' 'webkit2gtk-4.1' 'xdg-utils' 'xorg-xrandr') makedepends=('git' 'meson') checkdepends=('appstream-glib') #checkdepends=('appstream-glib' 'libcanberra' 'pciutils' 'python-nose2' # 'xorg-server-xvfb' 'xterm') optdepends=( 'gamemode: Allows games to request a temporary set of optimisations' 'gamescope: Draw the game window isolated from your desktop' 'gnome-desktop: Get display and resolution using GnomeDesktop' 'gvfs: GVFS backend' 'innoextract: Extract Inno Setup installers' 'lib32-gamemode: Allows games to request a temporary set of optimisations' 'lib32-glibc: for 32bit games support' "lib32-mangohud: Display the games' FPS + other information" 'lib32-vkd3d: Vulkan 3D support' 'lib32-vulkan-icd-loader: Vulkan support' 'libstrangle: Set FPS limit' 'linux-steam-integration: start Steam with LSI' "mangohud: Display the games' FPS + other information" 'python-evdev: Controller support' 'python-moddb: Handle ModDB downloads in installers' 'python-pefile: Extract icons from Windows executables' 'python-protobuf: BattleNet support' 'python-pypresence: Discord Rich Presence integration' 'vkd3d: Vulkan 3D support' 'vulkan-icd-loader: Vulkan support' 'wine: easiest way to get all the libraries missing from the Lutris runtime' 'winetricks: use system winetricks' 'xemu: support for Xbox games' 'xorg-xgamma: Restore gamma on game exit') provides=("${pkgname%-git}") conflicts=("${pkgname%-git}") source=('git+https://github.com/lutris/lutris.git') sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}" git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } build() { arch-meson "${pkgname%-git}" build meson compile -C build } check() { meson test -C build --print-errorlogs # Run test suite # Isolate ~/.local/share/lutris, ~/.config/lutris and ~/.cache/lutris # cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}" # export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 # HOME=tmp xvfb-run --auto-servernum make test } package() { meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" }