# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Contributor: megadriver # Based on lynx from [extra] # Contributor: Pierre Schmitz # Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade # Contributor: Tom Newsom set -u _pkgname=lynx pkgname="${_pkgname}-current" _basever='2.8.9' pkgver="${_basever}dev.6" pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='A text browser for the World Wide Web (current development version)' url='http://lynx.isc.org/' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL') depends=('openssl' 'ncurses' 'libidn') conflicts=("${_pkgname}") provides=("${_pkgname}=${_basever}") backup=('etc/lynx.cfg') _verwatch=("${url}current/" "/current/${_pkgname}\(.*\)\.tar\.bz2" 'l') source=("http://lynx.isc.org/current/${_pkgname}${pkgver}.tar.bz2") #{,.asc}) sha256sums=('3e1f3e8c0df19de9b3d26d6f221b6789dab3ee1302c9cf7a888efcc186f373b5') #validpgpkeys=('0AFD1FFEEA2EA063B959ACDA5DDF8FB7688E31A6') prepare() { set -u cd "${srcdir}/lynx${_basever//./-}" ./configure --prefix='/usr' \ --sysconfdir='/etc' \ --with-ssl='/usr' \ --enable-nls \ --enable-ipv6 \ --enable-default-colors \ --mandir='/usr/share/man' sed -i -e 's:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:g' 'lynx.cfg' set +u } build() { set -u cd "${srcdir}/lynx${_basever//./-}" make -s # -j "$(nproc)" # not compatible with threaded make set +u } package() { set -u cd "${srcdir}/lynx${_basever//./-}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # FS#20404 - points to local help sed -i -e 's|^HELPFILE.*$|HELPFILE:file:///usr/share/doc/lynx/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html|' "${pkgdir}/etc/lynx.cfg" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/lynx" cp -rf 'lynx_help' "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/lynx" set +u # Ensure there are no forbidden paths. Place at the end of package() and comment out as you find or need exceptions. (git-aurcheck) ! test -d "${pkgdir}/bin" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /bin"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/sbin" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /sbin"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/lib" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /lib"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/share" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /share"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/usr/sbin" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/sbin"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/usr/local" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/local"; false; } ! grep -lr "/sbin" "${pkgdir}" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /sbin"; false; } ! grep -lr "/usr/tmp" "${pkgdir}" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/tmp"; false; } # A bunch of config instructions #! grep -lr "/usr/local" "${pkgdir}" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/local"; false; } # Not references to /bin #! pcre2grep -Ilr "(?