# Maintainer : Kr1ss $(echo \|sed s/\+/./g\;s/\-/@/) # Upstream author : Roland Puntaier pkgname=mailwizard-git _name="${pkgname%-git}" pkgver() { git -C "$_name" describe --long | sed 's/^v//;s/-/.r/;s/-/./'; } pkgver=2.0.6.r0.g1a5962e pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Configure neomutt, isync, getmail and msmtp with pass for passwords (POP3/SMTP)' arch=('x86_64') url="https://github.com/rpuntaie/$_name" license=('GPL3') provides=("$_name") conflicts=("$_name" 'mutt-wizard') makedepends=('git') depends=('neomutt' 'isync' 'getmail6' 'msmtp' 'notmuch-runtime' 'pass' 'urlscan') optdepends=('imagemagick: view images inside of the neomutt TUI' 'w3m: view HTML email and images inside of the neomutt TUI' 'lynx: view HTML email inside of the neomutt TUI' 'links: view HTML email inside of the neomutt TUI' 'elinks: view HTML email inside of the neomutt TUI' 'abook: contact store and tab completion' 'cronie: auto-sync mails - alt.: fcron' 'fcron: auto-sync mails - alt.: cronie' 'libnotify: enable desktop notifications about new mail' 'dunst: enable desktop notifications about new mail' 'pam-gnupg: automatically unlock gpg keys at session login') #checkdepends=('bash-bats') options=('zipman') changelog=changelog.txt install=wizard.install source=("git+$url" 'migrationhelper') sha256sums=('SKIP' '96471dc5a53af342cf14f5ec119df81509617f960c707d732781a24d9e2ed3c6') #check() { # cd "$_name" # ./dotests #} package() { cd "$_name" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" -s install install -m755 ../migrationhelper -t"$pkgdir/usr/share/$_name/" install -Dm644 README.rst -t"$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$_name/" } # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et ft=PKGBUILD: