# Maintainer: Joshua Ellis # Contributor: Anish Tondwalkar # Contributor: Ghost91 # Contributor: Michael Pusterhofer # Contributor: Raphael Scholer # Contributor: kjslag # Contributor: teratomata pkgname=mathematica pkgver=13.0.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing." arch=('x86_64') url="http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/" license=('proprietary') depends=( 'openmp' ) optdepends=( ## The following list of dependencies was inferred from namcap's output. If ## you believe there is an error, please let me know. Also feel free to ## contribute description to dependencies if you know what they do. 'alsa-lib' 'atk' 'cairo' 'ffmpeg' 'fontconfig' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'glib2' 'glu' 'gmime' 'gmp' 'gtk2' 'harfbuzz' 'intel-tbb' 'java-environment' 'java-runtime' 'leptonica' 'libbson' 'libffi' 'libmongoc' 'libogg' 'libpng12' 'libselinux' 'libsm' 'libssh2' 'libutil-linux' 'libx11' 'libxcomposite' 'libxml2' 'libxrandr' 'libxslt' 'libxss' 'libxtst' 'libxxf86vm' 'mesa-demos: for improved graphics output' 'ncurses' 'nvidia-utils' 'openssl-1.0' 'pango' 'pixman' 'portaudio' 'postgresql-libs' 'python' 'qt5-declarative' 'qt5-multimedia' 'qt5-webengine' 'qt5-xmlpatterns' 'r' 'tesseract' 'zlib' ) source=("local://Mathematica_${pkgver}_BNDL_LINUX.sh") md5sums=('e02f7c8926a51412a8d578de408e4b24') options=("!strip") ## To build this package you need to place the mathematica-installer into your ## startdir If you don't own the installer you can download a trial version at ## http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/trial ## The documentation takes up the majority of the disk space. If you do not wish ## to keep it, uncomment the relevant lines at the bottom of this PKGBUILD. ## The final package can be very large (especially if documentation is kept) and ## compression can be quite slow. In most cases, the package is installed ## straight away and the package need not be kept, so compression is disabled. # PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' prepare() { warning "Building Mathematica takes more than 20GiB of space for 'makepkg', and another 10GiB for the pkg tarball." warning "Building in a tmpfs (e.g. /tmp when mounted into RAM) may not work." if [ $(echo "${srcdir}" | wc -w) -ne 1 ]; then msg2 "ERROR: The Mathematica installer doesn't support directory names with spaces." msg2 "Current build directory: ${srcdir}" exit 1 fi chmod +x ${srcdir}/Mathematica_${pkgver}_BNDL_LINUX.sh } package() { msg2 "Running Mathematica installer" # https://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/InstallingMathematica.html#650929293 sh ${srcdir}/Mathematica_${pkgver}_BNDL_LINUX.sh -- \ -execdir=${pkgdir}/usr/bin \ -targetdir=${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica \ -auto msg2 "Errors related to 'xdg-icon-resource' and 'xdg-desktop-menu' are to be expected during Mathematica's installation." msg2 "Fixing symbolic links" cd ${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/Executables rm wolframscript ln -s /opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux-x86-64/wolframscript cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin rm * ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/math ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/mathematica ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/Mathematica ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/MathKernel ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/mcc ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/wolfram ln -s /opt/Mathematica/Executables/WolframKernel ln -s /opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux-x86-64/ELProver ln -s /opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux-x86-64/wolframscript msg2 "Setting up WolframScript" mkdir -p ${srcdir}/WolframScript mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/ cd ${srcdir}/WolframScript bsdtar -xf ${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Installation/wolframscript_*_amd64.deb data.tar.xz tar -xf data.tar.xz -C ${pkgdir}/usr/share/ --strip=3 ./usr/share/ msg2 "Copying menu and mimetype information" mkdir -p \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/desktop-directories \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages cd ${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Installation desktopFile='wolfram-mathematica13.desktop' sed -Ei 's|^(\s*TryExec=).*|\1/usr/bin/Mathematica|g' $desktopFile sed -Ei 's|^(\s*Exec=).*|\1/usr/bin/Mathematica %F|g' $desktopFile printf 'Categories=Science;Education;Languages;ArtificialIntelligence;Astronomy;Biology;Chemistry;ComputerScience;DataVisualization;Geography;ImageProcessing;Math;NumericalAnalysis;MedicalSoftware;Physics;ParallelComputer;\n' >> $desktopFile printf 'StartupWMClass=Mathematica;\n' >> $desktopFile cp $desktopFile ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/ cp wolfram-all.directory ${pkgdir}/usr/share/desktop-directories/ cp *.xml ${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages/ msg2 "Copying icons" mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/{32x32,64x64,128x128}/{apps,mimetypes} cd ${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/SystemResources/X for i in 32 64 128; do cp App-${i}.png ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/wolfram-mathematica.png for mimetype in $(ls vnd.* | cut -d '-' -f1 | uniq); do cp ${mimetype}-${i}.png ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/mimetypes/application-${mimetype}.png done done msg2 "Copying man pages" mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1 cd ${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/SystemFiles/SystemDocumentation/Unix cp *.1 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1 msg2 "Copying license" mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/Mathematica/ cp ${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/LICENSE.txt ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/Mathematica/license.txt msg2 "Fixing file permissions" chmod go-w -R ${pkgdir}/* ## The documentation takes up the majority of the disk space (6.8G+). If you ## do not wish to have the documentation installed, uncomment the following ## lines. # msg2 "Removing documentation" # rm -rf "${pkgdir}/opt/Mathematica/Documentation" }