# Maintainer: Grey Christoforo ## This PKGBUILD creates an Arch Linux package for the proprietary MATLAB application. ## In order to build the package, the user must supply: ## 1) a plain text file installation key as file `matlab.fik` ## and ## 2) the software tarball as `matlab.tar` from MATLAB ISO image or as downloaded by the installer ## A typical matlab tarball structure looks like this: #matlab.tar #├── activate.ini* #├── archives/ #│   ├── common/ #│   └── glnxa64/ #│   ├── matlab/ #│   ├── matlab_code_analyzer/ #│   ├── matlabconnector/ #│   ├── matlabdata/ #│   ├── matlab_desktop_glnxa64_1535004605.enc* #│   ├── matlab_desktop_glnxa64_1535004605.xml* #│   ├── ... other toolbox/product files & folders go here #├── bin/ #├── help/ #├── install* #├── installer_input.txt* #├── install_guide.pdf* #├── java/ #├── license_agreement.txt* #├── patents.txt* #├── readme.txt* #├── sys/ #├── trademarks.txt* #├── ui/ #└── VersionInfo.xml* ## Maybe you'd create this archive like this: ## 1) download the matlab installer form themathworks, let's imagine that file is ~/Downloads/matlab_R2019b_glnxa64.zip ## 2) extract it: unzip ~/Downloads/matlab_R2019b_glnxa64.zip -d ~/matlab ## 3) run the installer almost completely through manually: ~/matlab/install -downloadFolder ${HOME}/matlab/dl -destinationFolder ${HOME}/matlab/deleteme ## you must enter all your proper license info here, the purpose of this is to get the toolbox files you'll need for the offline install later ## when you see that the installer has finished downloading everything, press the Cancel button in the gui and end the installer early ## you don't really want the installer to extract/decrypt the files it has downloaded ## 4) delete anything that might have started to be installed in the above step: rm -rf ~/matlab/deleteme ## 5) now you can create the tarball you'll need here: tar -cvf matlab.tar -C ~/matlab/ . ## You can get your file installation key (that you must manually put into matlab.fik) from https://mathworks.com/licensecenter ## Then maybe you could make the matlab.fik file you need for this package like this: ## echo "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-..." > matlab.fik ## This PKGBUILD no longer attempts to activate the product. ## The user will be prompted to undertake their activation method of choice when the GUI is first run. ## Activation could be automated by running /opt/matlab/bin/activate_matlab.sh after this package is installed. ## Activation could be further automated in matlab.install (a file that doesn't exist at this time) ## This package will conflict with /usr/bin/mex from texlive-bin ## You could fix that by installing it with the pacman option --overwrite /usr/bin/mex ## /ust/bin/mex from texlive-bin is just a symlink # partial install _partialinstall=false pkgname=matlab _install_dir="/opt/${pkgname}" # as of R2019b Update 4, MATLAB's version number is: pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A high-level language for numerical computation and visualization' arch=('x86_64') url='http://www.mathworks.com' license=(custom) makedepends=('gendesk') depends=('gconf' 'glu' 'gstreamer0.10-base' 'gtk2' 'libunwind' 'libxp' 'libxpm' 'libxtst' 'nss' 'portaudio' 'python' 'qt5-svg' 'qt5-webkit' 'qt5-websockets' 'qt5-x11extras' 'xerces-c') optdepends=('gcc6: For MEX support') source=("local:///matlab.tar" "local:///matlab.fik") md5sums=("SKIP" "SKIP") #PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' OPTIONS=(!strip staticlibs) prepare() { msg2 'Generating .desktop launcher file' gendesk -f -n --pkgname "${pkgname}" \ --pkgdesc "${pkgdesc}" \ --categories "Development;Education;Science;Mathematics;IDE" \ --exec "${_install_dir}/bin/matlab -desktop" msg2 'Reading file installation key from matlab.fik' _fik=$(grep -o [0-9-]* matlab.fik) msg2 'Modifying the installer settings' sed -i "s,^# destinationFolder=,destinationFolder=${pkgdir}${_install_dir}," installer_input.txt sed -i "s,^# agreeToLicense=,agreeToLicense=yes," installer_input.txt sed -i "s,^# mode=,mode=silent," installer_input.txt sed -i "s,^# outputFile=,outputFile=${srcdir}/installer_output.txt," installer_input.txt sed -i "s,^# fileInstallationKey=,fileInstallationKey=${_fik}," installer_input.txt if [ ! -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then msg2 'Building a package with a subset of the licensed products.' for _product in "${_products[@]}"; do sed -i "/^#product.${_product}$/ s/^#//" installer_input.txt done fi } package() { msg2 'Starting MATLAB installer' ## I assume it's a bad idea, but I had to unset a few vars to prevent ## fakeroot from slowing the matlab installer to a crawl (commented out by default) LDLP=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} LDP=${LD_PRELOAD} unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH unset LD_PRELOAD ./install -t -inputFile "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then msg2 'Matlab installer done without error' else meg2 'Error encountered while running matlab installer' fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LDLP" export LD_PRELOAD="$LDP" msg2 'Installing license agreement file' install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/license_agreement.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/tmw/${pkgname}/LICENSE" #msg2 'Creating links for license.dat' #mv "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses.bak" #ln -s "/etc/matlab/licenses/" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses" msg2 'Creating links for executables' install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" for _executable in deploytool matlab mbuild mcc mex; do ln -s "${_install_dir}/bin/${_executable}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_executable}" done msg2 'Installing .desktop launcher files' install -D -m644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/help/matlab/matlab_env/matlab_desktop_icon.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png" } if ${_partialinstall} && [ -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then _products=( "MATLAB" #"Curve_Fitting_Toolbox" # fill in toolboxes/products here as needed for a partial install # hint: look in your installer_input.txt file for names to use here ) fi