# Maintainer: William Gathoye pkgname=mattermost-git _pkgname="${pkgname%-git}" pkgver=5.1.0.r32.g10f571784 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Open source Slack-alternative in Golang and React" arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'arm' 'armv6h' 'armv7h' 'aarch64') url="https://mattermost.com" license=('AGPL' 'Apache') makedepends=('git' 'go' 'libpng12' 'npm') # Experiencing issues with gifsicle. Using system tool instead. if [ "$CARCH" != 'x86_64' ]; then makedepends+=('gifsicle') fi provides=('mattermost') conflicts=('mattermost') backup=("etc/webapps/${_pkgname}/config.json") optdepends=( 'mariadb: SQL server storage' 'percona-server: SQL server storage' 'postgresql: SQL server storage') source=( # The mattermost repo is quite huge. Consider manually cloning the # repository first, either a full clone or with the --dept argument. You # can also specify the --depth git argument in your in makepkg.conf file. # For local tests, simply replace this git URL by #'mattermost-server::git+file:///home/user/whatever/mattermost-server#branch=release-4.2' # For the URL syntax, please check this link: # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_package_guidelines#VCS_sources "git+https://github.com/${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}-server" "git+https://github.com/${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}-webapp" "${_pkgname}.service" "${_pkgname}.sysusers" "${_pkgname}.tmpfiles") sha512sums=( 'SKIP' 'SKIP' '893bab002d343ee5cc9a07d6221cc4f00d4d6c9d0adccc9b1bf35619306384fcb1261058c2dd63662f33ae41a62b1d735fa2e3cf50b479709edf272ea58324d1' 'b95bf2c0d840d0e85baebc1051c872056fa4990d263334fecc7b11d96085cb65a69dd866f18889e209336028f17c02152c13a92d2be1c21848939f22203439f0' 'e3ffcf4b86e2ecc7166c1abf92cd4de23d81bad405db0121e513a8d81fea05eec9dd508141b14b208c4c13fbc347c56f01ed91326faa01e872ecdedcc18718f9') # Using the most recent un-annotated tag reachable from the last commit # src.: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_package_guidelines#Git # Remove the v prefix: # src.: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7979255/3514658 pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}"/src/github.com/${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}-server git describe --long --tags | \ sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { # If you want to test languages and pull requests, simply clone this # repositiory and init the submodule with the following command: # git submodule update --init --recursive # then, use the command mattermost_prepare_pkgbuild.sh. See its help # available here: https://github.com/wget/mattermost-prepare-pkgbuild mkdir -p src/github.com/${_pkgname} cd src/github.com/${_pkgname} # Remove previous platform folder if any previous clone was effective rm -f ${_pkgname}-server rm -f ${_pkgname}-webapp # Create the directory structure to match Go namespaces ln -s "$srcdir"/${_pkgname}-server ${_pkgname}-server ln -s "$srcdir"/${_pkgname}-webapp ${_pkgname}-webapp cd ${_pkgname}-server # We are not using docker, no need to stop it. sed -r -i Makefile \ -e 's/^clean: stop-docker/clean:/' # The configuration isn't available at this time yet, modify the default. sed -r -i build/release.mk \ -e 's/\$\(DIST_PATH\)\/config\/config.json/\$\(DIST_PATH\)\/config\/default.json/' # The Go programming language only supports 8 instruction sets, therefore # we cannot rely on ${CARCH} and need to cast manually. # src.: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#introduction case "${CARCH}" in i686) sed -r -i build/release.mk \ -e "5,7s/amd64/386/" ;; arm*64*|*arch*64*) sed -r -i build/release.mk \ -e "5,7s/amd64/arm64/" ;; arm*) sed -r -i build/release.mk \ -e "5,7s/amd64/arm/" ;; esac # Remove platform specific lines from the Makefile from the line beginning # with that statement to the end of file (we do not care of the additional # file copy, nor the tar compression defined below the file). sed '/# ----- PLATFORM SPECIFIC -----/,//d' -i ./build/release.mk # Enforce build hash to Arch Linux (Enterprise hash is already set to # none), instead of the official git hash value. sed -r -i Makefile \ -e "s/^(\s*)BUILD_HASH(_ENTERPRISE)? =.*/\1BUILD_HASH\2 = ${pkgver}-${pkgrel} Arch Linux \(${CARCH}\)/" \ -e 's/-X (.*)(\$\(BUILD_HASH(_ENTERPRISE)?\))(.*)/-X '\''\1\2'\''\4/' cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-webapp" sed -r -i webpack.config.js \ -e "s/^(\s*)COMMIT_HASH:(.*),$/\1COMMIT_HASH: JSON.stringify\(\"${pkgver}-${pkgrel} Arch Linux \(${CARCH}\)\"\),/" # Link against system gifsicle if [ "$CARCH" != 'x86_64' ]; then gifsicleNpm="${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-webapp/node_modules/gifsicle/vendor/gifsicle" gifsicleNpm="${gifsicleNpm//\//\\/}" gifsicleSystem="$(which gifsicle)" gifsicleSystem="${gifsicleSystem//\//\\/}" sed -r -i Makefile \ -e "s/(\t*)npm install(.*)/\0\n\1rm \"$gifsicleNpm\"\n\tln -s \"$gifsicleSystem\" \"$gifsicleNpm\"/" fi } build() { # No need to build mattermost-webapp as the server is taking care of this # step via its build-client make instruction. cd "${srcdir}"/src/github.com/${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}-server # Prevent the build to crash when some dependencies are not met or # outdated. This clean the webapp as well (cf. mattermost-server/Makefile, # clean target). make clean GOPATH="${srcdir}" BUILD_NUMBER=${pkgver}-${pkgrel} make build-linux GOPATH="${srcdir}" BUILD_NUMBER=${pkgver}-${pkgrel} make build-client GOPATH="${srcdir}" BUILD_NUMBER=${pkgver}-${pkgrel} make package } package() { cd "${srcdir}"/src/github.com/${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}-server install -dm755 \ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/webapps \ "${pkgdir}"/var/log/${_pkgname} \ "${pkgdir}"/etc/webapps \ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname} cp -a dist/${_pkgname} "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/webapps/ cd "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/webapps/${_pkgname} install -dm755 client/plugins rm -rf logs ln -s /var/log/${_pkgname} logs cp config/default.json config/config.json mv config "${pkgdir}"/etc/webapps/${_pkgname} ln -s /etc/webapps/${_pkgname} config sed -e 's@"Directory": ".*"@"Directory": "/var/lib/mattermost/"@g' \ -e 's@tcp(dockerhost:3306)@unix(/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock)@g' \ -i "${pkgdir}"/etc/webapps/${_pkgname}/config.json mv NOTICE.txt README.md "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname} cd "${srcdir}" install -Dm755 bin/${_pkgname} "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/webapps/${_pkgname}/bin/${_pkgname} install -Dm644 ${_pkgname}.service -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/ install -Dm644 ${_pkgname}.sysusers "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d/${_pkgname}.conf install -Dm644 ${_pkgname}.tmpfiles "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${_pkgname}.conf }