# Maintainer: Caleb Maclennan # Note the intention of this package is to bulid from source, but I haven't # gotten it to work yet. Contributions welcome! Temporarily it is installing # the upstream generated binary version. pkgname=mattermost-plugin-calls pkgver=0.14.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='enables voice calling and screen sharing functionality in Mattermost channels' arch=(x86_64) url="https://github.com/${pkgname%%-*}/$pkgname" license=(MIT) makedepends=(jq) options=(!strip) _plugin="com.mattermost.${pkgname##*-}" _archive="$_plugin-$pkgver" source=("$url/releases/download/v$pkgver/$_archive.tar.gz") sha256sums=('1f71ae08eb8b7de99a0eedfc3c7a9fd06fffb650342d26758a53dee9b24e05cd') # BEGIN boilerplate mattermost plugin version clamping, see also other packages in group # 1. Call respective function helper in package() *after* cd'ing to the source directory # 2. Add makedepends+=(jq) _get_supported_ranges() { _plugin_min_mattermost="$(< plugin.json jq -r '.min_server_version')" } _mattermost_plugin_package() { _get_supported_ranges depends+=("mattermost>=${_plugin_min_mattermost:-0}") } # END boilerplate mattermost plugin version clamping package() { local _plugins="$pkgdir/var/lib/mattermost/plugins" install -dm0755 "$_plugins" cp -r "$_plugin" "$_plugins" cd "$_plugin" _mattermost_plugin_package }