# Maintainer: kikadf # Contributor: Daniel Henry # Contributor: Miguel Revilla # Contributor: Alfonso Saavedra "Son Link" # Contributor: Hexchain Tong pkgname=megasync pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Sync your files to your Mega account. Official app" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://github.com/meganz/megasync" license=('custom:MEGA LIMITED CODE REVIEW LICENCE') depends=('curl' 'c-ares' 'crypto++' 'libsodium' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'libuv' 'qt5-svg' 'libmediainfo') makedepends=('git' 'qt5-tools' 'swig' 'doxygen') optdepends=('sni-qt: fix systray issue on KDE and LXQt') source=("git+https://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync.git#tag=v${pkgver}_Linux") md5sums=('SKIP') prepare(){ cd "${srcdir}/MEGAsync" git submodule update --init --recursive # Fix crypto++-6 issue cd "${srcdir}/MEGAsync/src/MEGASync/mega" git checkout 222594ea17e6fe4fca9b42b28e3cce335c2ca60e } build(){ cd "${srcdir}/MEGAsync/src/MEGASync/mega" ./autogen.sh ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --disable-examples \ --disable-java \ --disable-php \ --disable-python \ --enable-chat \ --enable-gcc-hardening \ --with-cares \ --with-cryptopp \ --with-curl \ --with-sodium \ --with-sqlite \ --with-zlib \ --without-freeimage \ --without-termcap cd "${srcdir}/MEGAsync/src" qmake-qt5 CONFIG+="release" MEGA.pro lrelease-qt5 MEGASync/MEGASync.pro make } package (){ cd "${srcdir}/MEGAsync" install -Dm 644 LICENCE.md "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/megasync/LICENCE.md" install -Dm 644 installer/terms.txt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/megasync/terms.txt" cd src/MEGASync install -Dm 755 megasync "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/megasync" cd platform/linux/data install -Dm 644 megasync.desktop "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/megasync.desktop" cd icons/hicolor for size in 16x16 32x32 48x48 128x128 256x256 do install -Dm 644 "${size}/apps/mega.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}/apps/mega.png" done }