# Maintainer: Michael Schubert pkgname=mgltools pkgver=1.5.6 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Visualization and analysis of molecular structures; includes AutoDockTools, Vision and PythonMoleculeViewer" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://mgltools.scripps.edu/" license=('custom') depends=('swig' 'tk' 'python2-numpy' 'python2-imaging' 'python2-pmw' 'glut' 'zsi' 'python2-simpy' 'libxmu') optdepends=('autodocksuite') source=("http://mgltools.scripps.edu/downloads/tars/releases/REL${pkgver}/${pkgname}_source_${pkgver}.tar.gz" opengltk.patch) options=('!emptydirs') md5sums=('e37ceac50fd46bd89abb2ba44a812a65' '357fe047c8edcd89d9cf1b8f7f70d258') build() { cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_source_$pkgver" sed -i "1s:python2.5:python2:" InstTools/install # replace path by os.path where needed sed -i "s:path.exists:os.path.exists:; \ s:os.os.path.exists:os.path.exists:; \ s:path.join:os.path.join:; \ s:os.os.path.join:os.path.join:" InstTools/install # do not install pmw since it is dependecy already sed -i 's:getYesNo(msg, "Do you wish to install Pmw:False #:' InstTools/install # fix include for strcmp in geomutils sed -i "239i\ if (pkgname == \"geomutils\"): os.popen(\"sed -i '3i#include\ ' src/geomAlgorithms/objfile.cpp\")" InstTools/install # fix opengltk to work with tcl/tk 8.5 sed -i "240i\ if (pkgname == \"opengltk\"): \ os.popen(\"sed -i 's/stub8.4/stub8.5/g' setup.py\")" InstTools/install # disable license popup - we'll print it to the user later cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_source_$pkgver/MGLPACKS" tar -xzf mglutil-$pkgver.tar.gz rm -f mglutil-$pkgver.tar.gz echo > mglutil-$pkgver/mglutil/splashregister/license.py tar -czf mglutil-$pkgver.tar.gz mglutil-$pkgver # fix opengltk error cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_source_$pkgver/MGLPACKS" tar -xzf opengltk-$pkgver.tar.gz rm -f opengltk-$pkgver.tar.gz patch -p0 < "$srcdir"/opengltk.patch tar -czf opengltk-$pkgver.tar.gz opengltk-$pkgver } package() { cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_source_$pkgver" # let python know about the new modules pydir=`python2 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; \ print get_python_lib()"` mkdir -p "$pkgdir/$pydir" ./startInstallation --quiet --instDir="$pkgdir/$pydir" # link to bin directory install -Dm755 "$pkgdir/$pydir/runAdt" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/adt" install -Dm755 "$pkgdir/$pydir/runPmv" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/pmv" install -Dm755 "$pkgdir/$pydir/runCADD" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/CADD" install -Dm755 "$pkgdir/$pydir/runVision" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/vision" echo "MGLToolsPckgs" > "$pkgdir/$pydir/mgltools.pth" # fix some python 2.7 issues in the package sed -i "/self.__debug__ = 0/d" \ "$pkgdir/$pydir/MGLToolsPckgs/ViewerFramework/VF.py" # remove VCS entries rm -rf `find "$pkgdir" -type d -name "CVS"` # some other fixes.. cd "$pkgdir/$pydir/MGLToolsPckgs" rm -f "mglutil/TestUtil/publishPack.csh" # change interpreter from python/2.5 to python2 find . -name "*.py" | xargs sed -i "1s/python$/python2/;1s/python2.5$/python2/" # install licenses for LICENSE in `find . -name LICENSE`; do install -Dm755 "./$LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/mgltools/$LICENSE" rm "$LICENSE" done mv *.egg-info "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/mgltools/" msg "LICENSE WARNING:" msg "This software is free only for non-commercial usage" msg "see /usr/share/licenses/mgltools/ for more information" }