# Maintainer: Dmytro Meleshko pkgbase=mindustry pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-server") _build=141.3 pkgver="7.0_${_build}" pkgrel=1 epoch=1 arch=('any') _repo_name="Mindustry" url="https://github.com/Anuken/${_repo_name}" license=('GPL3') depends=("java-runtime>=8" "sh" "hicolor-icon-theme") makedepends=("java-environment>=16" "libicns" "alsa-lib") source=("${pkgbase}-${_build}.tar.gz::https://github.com/Anuken/${_repo_name}/archive/v${_build}.tar.gz" "${pkgbase}.desktop" "${pkgbase}.sh" "${pkgbase}-server.desktop" "${pkgbase}-server.sh") sha256sums=('efbace7569c82b0f14defaa4151f900a720400095398ff65b09fe6feea79f50d' 'e5fd49ed3456c53e91b834cb388956e3f9ded4e2c880352d36cf9c2246ca0f0b' '938f5f9f636379402ba0bb9a53345de499f4f3fd50f232b31605129dcf4ea6c9' '053030932334f40145e927f6c7e9ebf01bd28ddd1e7b9fba6234b51cc83ad241' '679727847ba70773cee4f902114345e095b27f425aa00c4d3860d247705ed1f0') build() { cd "${_repo_name}-${_build}" # NOTE: JDK discovery code is not needed for now because the upstream switched # to Gradle 6.x. Keeping it just in case. # # find JDK older than 13 because Gradle 5.x doesn't support it # for java_dir in /usr/lib/jvm/*; do # if ! [ -x "${java_dir}/bin/java" ]; then break; fi # if [ -f "${java_dir}/release" ]; then # version="$(sed -n 's/^JAVA_VERSION="\(.*\)"$/\1/p' "${java_dir}/release")" # elif [ -f "${java_dir}/jre/lib/rt.jar" ]; then # version="$(unzip -p "${java_dir}/jre/lib/rt.jar" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | sed -n 's/Implementation-Version: 1\.\(.*\)$/\1/p')" # else # break # fi # if [ -z "${version}" ]; then break; fi # if [ "$(vercmp "${version}" 8)" -ge 0 ] && [ "$(vercmp "${version}" 13)" -lt 0 ]; then # msg2 "Using JDK v%s from %s" "${version}" "${java_dir}" # msg2 "Edit the PKGBUILD if you wish to change the JDK used to compile %s" "${pkgbase}" # found_correct_jdk=1 # break # fi # done; unset version # if [ -n "$found_correct_jdk" ]; then # export JAVA_HOME="${java_dir}" # else # error "Couldn't find a JDK with version >=8 and <13" # return 1 # fi # Skip configuring of the android subproject because we aren't compiling the # Android app here. # unset ANDROID_HOME ./gradlew --no-daemon dist -Pbuildversion="${_build}" desktop:dist server:dist cd core/assets/icons icns2png --extract icon.icns } _package_common() { install -Dm644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" install -Dm755 "${pkgname}.sh" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" cd "${_repo_name}-${_build}" local icon_size; for icon_size in 256 512 1024; do install -Dm644 "core/assets/icons/icon_${icon_size}x${icon_size}x32.png" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${icon_size}x${icon_size}/apps/${pkgname}.png" done } package_mindustry() { pkgdesc="A sandbox tower defense game written in Java" _package_common install -Dm755 "desktop/build/libs/Mindustry.jar" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/java/${pkgname}" } package_mindustry-server() { pkgdesc="Server of a sandbox tower defense game written in Java" _package_common install -Dm755 "server/build/libs/server-release.jar" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/java/${pkgname}" }