pkgname=mono-alpha _pkgname=mono pkgver=4.8.0 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler. Alpha version." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL' 'LGPL2.1' 'MPL' 'BSD' 'custom=MITX11' 'custom=MSPL') url="" depends=('zlib' 'libgdiplus' 'sh' 'python' 'ca-certificates' 'mono') makedepends=('git') options=('!makeflags') provides=('monodoc' 'mono') conflicts=('monodoc' 'mono') source=('git://' 'mono.binfmt.d') md5sums=('SKIP' 'b9ef8a65fea497acf176cca16c1e2402') build() { cd "${srcdir}"/"${_pkgname}" # Build mono ./ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/bin \ --disable-quiet-build \ --with-mcs-docs=yes make # Build jay cd "${srcdir}"/"${_pkgname}"/mcs/jay make } package() { cd "${srcdir}"/"${_pkgname}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # Install jay pushd "${srcdir}"/"${_pkgname}"/mcs/jay make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \ prefix=/usr \ INSTALL=../../install-sh \ install popd # Install binfmt conf file and pathes install \ -m644 \ -D "${srcdir}"/mono.binfmt.d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/binfmt.d/mono.conf # Install license mkdir \ -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/"${_pkgname}" install \ -m644 \ -D "LICENSE" "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/"${_pkgname}"/ # Fix .pc file to be able to request mono on what it depends, # fixes #go-oo build sed \ -i \ -e "s:#Requires:Requires:" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/pkgconfig/mono.pc }