# Maintainer: Philip Sequeira # Contributor: Rudolf Polzer # Contributor: Bartłomiej Piotrowski # Contributor: Eivind Uggedal _opt_features=( # Disabled by default, need to be enabled every build: #dvd #cd #sdl2 #openal # mpv supports lua52 and luajit, and will automatically enable Lua support if # either is installed. If both are installed, it will choose lua52. The choice # is made at compile time and only one of the two can be enabled. The two # options below, when uncommented, will force selection of their respective # implementations even if the other is installed, as well as adding the # appropriate dependency. #lua luajit # The rest of these are autodetected, and are just provided to set # dependencies the first time you build. If you have the dependencies # installed, subsequent builds will pick them up automatically. #javascript x11 wayland libplacebo # Vulkan and vo=gpu-next (latter sometimes needs libplacebo-git) #uchardet #rubberband # Features disabled by default, but don't require any extra dependencies on an # Arch system: dvbin ) # Note: The configure script will automatically enable most optional features it # finds support for on your system. The dependencies of the built package will # be updated based on dynamic libraries, but if you want to avoid linking # against something you have installed, you'll have to disable it in the # configure below. pkgname=mpv-git _gitname=mpv pkgver=0.34.0_368_g6858fc7d80 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 (git version)' arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv6h' 'armv7h' 'aarch64') license=('GPL') url='https://mpv.io' _undetected_depends=('hicolor-icon-theme') depends=('ffmpeg' "${_undetected_depends[@]}") optdepends=('yt-dlp: for video-sharing websites playback (preferred over youtube-dl)' 'youtube-dl: for video-sharing websites playback') makedepends=('git' 'meson' 'python-docutils' # for rst2man, to generate manpage 'pacman-contrib' # for pactree, used in find-deps.py 'vulkan-headers') provides=('mpv') conflicts=('mpv') options=('!emptydirs') install=mpv.install source=('git+https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv' 'find-deps.py') sha256sums=('SKIP' '1ba780ede4a28b68ae5b7ab839958ff91ed01d3c6c1d24cce8a5dd24492f8d2b') _opt_extra_flags=() for feature in "${_opt_features[@]}"; do case "$feature" in dvd) depends+=('libdvdnav') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Ddvdnav=enabled') ;; cd) depends+=('libcdio-paranoia') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Dcdda=enabled') ;; lua) depends+=('lua52') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Dlua=enabled' '-Dlua=lua52') ;; luajit) depends+=('luajit') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Dlua=enabled' '-Dlua=luajit') ;; javascript) depends+=('mujs') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Djavascript=enabled') ;; x11) depends+=('libxinerama' 'libxpresent' 'libxss') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Dx11=enabled') ;; wayland) depends+=('wayland' 'libxkbcommon') _opt_extra_flags+=('-Dwayland=enabled') ;; sdl2|openal|libplacebo|uchardet|rubberband) depends+=("$feature") _opt_extra_flags+=("-D${feature}=enabled") ;; dvbin) _opt_extra_flags+=("-D${feature}=enabled") ;; *) echo "ERROR: Unknown feature option: $feature" >&2 exit 1 esac done pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" ./version.sh | sed s/-/_/g } build() { cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" # Removing build dir, if present, ensures features omitted from the configure # command get their default values, and cleans up after waf if it was # previously used (which can cause the build to fail otherwise). # Downside is wasted recompilation. rm -rf build meson setup build \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --buildtype=plain \ --wrap-mode=nodownload \ -Dlibmpv=true \ "${_opt_extra_flags[@]}" meson compile -C build } package() { cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" meson install -C build --no-rebuild --destdir="$pkgdir" # Update dependencies automatically based on dynamic libraries _detected_depends=($(python3 "$srcdir"/find-deps.py "$pkgdir"/usr/{bin/mpv,lib/libmpv.so})) echo 'Auto-detected dependencies:' echo "${_detected_depends[@]}" | fold -s -w 79 | sed 's/^/ /' depends=("${_detected_depends[@]}" "${_undetected_depends[@]}") }