# Maintainer: Adrian Perez de Castro pkgname=naken_asm pkgver=2024.02.10 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Assembler for MSP430, dsPIC, ARM, MIPS, 65xx, 68000, 8051/8052, Atmel AVR8, and others" url=https://www.mikekohn.net/micro/naken_asm.php license=(GPL-3.0-or-later) arch=(i686 x86_64) depends=(readline glibc gcc-libs) optdepends=('python: used by some of the included scripts') conflicts=(naken_asm-git) _pkgver=${pkgver//./-} source=("https://www.mikekohn.net/downloads/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${_pkgver}.tar.gz") b2sums=('82d7e67d077677069ee5eb1fc187769578ee02894695eaa439e3d46680ec822d41f7434c65877cedbe8142da680e760ca06f286f58c02e4736976d7c50b98048') build () { cd "${pkgname}-${_pkgver}" ./configure --install-prefix="${pkgdir}/usr" \ --include-path="/usr/share/${pkgname}/includes" # Fixup compiler flags. This is easier to do by appending to the # config.mak file created by the configure script than trying to # bend the script behaviour to our wishes. cat >> config.mak <<-EOF CFLAGS := \$(filter-out -O2 -O3,\$(CFLAGS)) $CFLAGS CXXFLAGS := \$(filter-out -O2 -O3,\$(CXXFLAGS)) $CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS := \$(LDFLAGS) $LDFLAGS EOF make } package () { cd "${pkgname}-${_pkgver}" make install }