pkgname=raiblocks-git pkgver=8.0.r123.g2db8063b pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="RaiBlocks is a cryptocurrency designed from the ground up for scalable instant transactions and zero transaction fees." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="" license=('BSD 2-clause') depends=('qt5-base' 'boost' 'boost-libs') provides=(raiblocks) pkgver() { cd "raiblocks" git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^[vV]//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } source=(git+ git+ git+ git+ git+ git+ noextract=() md5sums=(SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP) prepare() { cd "$srcdir/raiblocks" git submodule init git config submodule.beast.url $srcdir/beast git config submodule.cryptopp.url $srcdir/cryptopp git config submodule.lmdb.url $srcdir/lmdb git config submodule.miniupnp.url $srcdir/miniupnp git config submodule.phc-winner-argon2.url $srcdir/phc-winner-argon2 git submodule update if grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo; then echo "build with AVX2 optimizations" cmake -D RAIBLOCKS_GUI=ON -D ENABLE_AVX2=ON -D PERMUTE_WITH_GATHER=ON -D PERMUTE_WITH_SHUFFLES=ON ./ else echo "build without AVX2 optimizations" cmake -D RAIBLOCKS_GUI=ON ./ fi } build() { cd "$srcdir/raiblocks" make rai_wallet make rai_node } package() { cd "$srcdir/raiblocks" install -Dm755 rai_wallet "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/rai_wallet install -Dm755 rai_node "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/rai_node } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: