# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Contributor: Po-An,Yang(Antonio) # Todo: If there'a any files left in the cache they should probably be deleted on uninstall # # Yes, we need to figure where is the cache, but I am not using this package recently. # I just pack and run it, and to check the package is good for use. # If you have and an idea to do this, please kindly do it. # Thanks. # Antonio # Todo: Can we build the source code? # It is cool. :) # Antonio set -u pkgname='networkminer' pkgver=2.8.1 pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='A Network Forensic Analysis Tool for advanced Network Traffic Analysis, sniffer and packet analyzer' arch=('any') url='http://www.netresec.com/' license=('GPL2') depends=('mono') #_verwatch=('http://www.netresec.com/?page=NetworkMiner' '\s\+<[nt][a-z]\+>NetworkMiner\s\([0-9][^<]\+\).*' 'f') _srcname="NetworkMiner_${pkgver//\./-}" source=("${_srcname}.zip::https://www.netresec.com/?download=NetworkMiner") md5sums=('832b1accd0d2e48cf00138ae6fe62f23') sha256sums=('34e8ba09d6bb47463c0e154b7a8eef26922b8dd61000e95d1880aa8c175507e1') package() { set -u install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/" mv "${srcdir}/${_srcname}" "${pkgdir}/opt/NetworkMiner" #chmod +x "${pkgdir}/opt/NetworkMiner/NetworkMiner.exe" chmod -R go+w "${pkgdir}/opt/NetworkMiner/AssembledFiles/" "${pkgdir}/opt/NetworkMiner/Captures/" # Launcher install -Dm755 <(cat << EOF #!/bin/sh mono /opt/NetworkMiner/NetworkMiner.exe EOF ) "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/Networkminer.sh" # Desktop file for config tool install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF [Desktop Entry] Name=Network Miner GenericName=Packet analyser Comment=NetworkMiner packet analyser Exec=Networkminer.sh Terminal=false Type=Application #Icon= Categories=Application;Utility; MimeType=application/x-executable EOF ) "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/NetworkMiner.desktop" set +u } set +u