# Maintainer: Caleb Maclennan _appname=user_saml pkgname=nextcloud-app-${_appname/_/-} pkgver=6.1.3 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="App for authenticating Nextcloud users using SAML" arch=(x86_64) url="https://github.com/nextcloud/$_appname" license=(AGPL3) makedepends=(composer nextcloud rsync yq) _archive="$_appname-$pkgver" source=("$url/archive/v$pkgver/$_archive.tar.gz") sha256sums=('9a1466faf4072cfb089bcb4a3c0ac6e30cfd94af27d215557c320b0c0c5fc65f') # BEGIN boilerplate nextcloud app version clamping, see also other packages in group # 1. Call respective function helpers in check() and package() *after* cd'ing to the source directory # 2. Add makedepends+=(nextcloud yq) _phps=(php-legacy php) _get_supported_ranges() { _app_min_nextcloud="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r '.info.dependencies.nextcloud["@min-version"] | values')" _app_max_nextcloud="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r '.info.dependencies.nextcloud["@max-version"] | values | tonumber | .+1')" _app_min_php="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r '.info.dependencies.php["@min-version"] | values')" _app_max_php="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r '.info.dependencies.php["@max-version"] | values | tonumber | .+0.1')" } _unsupported_range() { printf "%s requires %s %s, but %s %s is provided.\n" "$pkgname" "$1" "$2" "$1" "$3" exit 1 } _nextcloud_app_check() { _get_supported_ranges for _php in "${_phps[@]}"; do command -v "$_php" > /dev/null && break; done local _nextcloud_ver="$("$_php" <(cat /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/version.php; echo 'print($OC_VersionString);'))" local _php_ver="$("$_php" -r 'print(phpversion());')" [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_min_nextcloud:-0}" "$_nextcloud_ver")" -le 0 ]] || \ _unsupported_range nextcloud "=> $_app_min_nextcloud" "$_nextcloud_ver" [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_max_nextcloud:-999}" "$_nextcloud_ver")" -gt 0 ]] || \ _unsupported_range nextcloud "< $_app_max_nextcloud" "$_nextcloud_ver" [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_min_php:-0}" "$_php_ver")" -le 0 ]] || \ _unsupported_range php ">= $_app_min_php" "$_php_ver" [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_max_php:-999}" "$_php_ver")" -gt 0 ]] || \ _unsupported_range php "< $_app_max_php" "$_php_ver" } _nextcloud_app_package() { _get_supported_ranges depends+=("nextcloud>=${_app_min_nextcloud:-0}" "nextcloud<${_app_max_nextcloud:-999}") depends+=("php-interpreter${_app_min_php:+>=$_app_min_php}" ${_app_max_php:+"php-interpreter<$_app_max_php"}) } # END boilerplate nextcloud app version clamping prepare() { cd "$_archive" composer install --no-dev -d ./3rdparty/ } check() { cd "$_archive" _nextcloud_app_check } package() { cd "$_archive" _nextcloud_app_package _appdir="$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/apps/$_appname" rsync -a --mkpath \ --exclude=.drone.yml \ --exclude=.git \ --exclude=.gitattributes \ --exclude=.github \ --exclude=.gitignore \ --exclude=.scrutinizer.yml \ --exclude=.travis.yml \ --exclude=.tx \ --exclude=/build \ --exclude=/CONTRIBUTING.md \ --exclude=/docs \ --exclude=/issue_template.md \ --exclude=/l10n/l10n.pl \ --exclude=/Makefile \ --exclude=/README.md \ --exclude=/screenshots \ --exclude=/tests \ --exclude=/translationfiles \ ./ $_appdir/ }