# Upstream Project Author: Hodong Kim # PKGBUILD Author: Hodong Kim # PKGBUILD Maintainer: Bumsik Kim # # PKGBUILD # This file is part of Nimf. # # Unlike other files in the Nimf project, # this PKGBUILD file is in the public domain. pkgname=nimf pkgver=2019.01.23 # This strictly follows AC_INIT field in configure.ac pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Nimf is an input method framework." arch=('any') url="https://gitlab.com/nimf-i18n/nimf" license=('LGPL3') makedepends=('binutils' 'autoconf' 'automake' 'gcc' 'make' 'glib2' 'intltool' 'gtk3' 'gtk2' 'qt4' 'qt5-base' 'libappindicator-gtk3' 'librsvg' 'noto-fonts-cjk' 'libhangul' 'anthy' 'librime' 'libxkbcommon' 'wayland' 'libxklavier') depends=('glib2' 'gtk3' 'gtk2' 'qt4' 'qt5-base' 'libappindicator-gtk3' 'libhangul' 'anthy' 'librime' 'libxkbcommon' 'wayland' 'libxklavier') optdepends=('brise: Rime schema repository' 'noto-fonts-cjk: Google Noto CJK fonts') source=("nimf-master::git+https://gitlab.com/nimf-i18n/nimf#commit=078b769d7007d189ce6f348f8f9270895b15e055") md5sums=('SKIP') build() { cd "$srcdir/nimf-master" ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr make -j 4 } package() { cd "$srcdir/nimf-master" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install }