# Maintainer: Felix Golatofski _npmname=markserv pkgname=nodejs-$_npmname pkgver=1.17.4 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Markserv serves Markdown files as GitHub style HTML and LiveReloads your files in the browser as you edit." arch=(any) url="https://github.com/f1lt3r/markserv" license=('MIT') depends=('npm') source=(http://registry.npmjs.org/$_npmname/-/$_npmname-$pkgver.tgz) noextract=($_npmname-$pkgver.tgz) sha256sums=('7f9564290f461cdf131354f70b9fa9e79e7f1c4b306c0f3273de69d2d946d029') package() { npm install -g --user root --cache "${srcdir}/npm-cache" --prefix "$pkgdir/usr" "$srcdir/$_npmname-$pkgver.tgz" # Fix permissions find "$pkgdir"/usr -type d -exec chmod 755 {} + # npm gives ownership of ALL FILES to build user # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63396 chown -R root:root "${pkgdir}" # Remove references to pkgdir find "$pkgdir" -type f -name package.json -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/_where/d" # Remove references to srcdir local tmppackage="$(mktemp)" local pkgjson="$pkgdir/usr/lib/node_modules/$_npmname/package.json" jq '.|=with_entries(select(.key|test("_.+")|not))' "$pkgjson" > "$tmppackage" mv "$tmppackage" "$pkgjson" chmod 644 "$pkgjson" }