# Maintainer: Luis Martinez # Contributor: Tony Lambiris pkgname=nordic-theme-git pkgver=2.1.0.r42.g81c9976 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Nord-derived themes for GTK and other platforms" arch=("any") url="https://github.com/EliverLara/Nordic" license=('GPL') makedepends=('git' 'inkscape' 'optipng') optdepends=( 'ttf-roboto: primary font face defined' 'ttf-ubuntu-font-family: secondary font face defined' 'cantarell-fonts: tertiary font face defined') conflicts=('nordic-theme') provides=('nordic-theme') source=("$pkgname::git+$url") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { git -C "$pkgname" describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/-/.r/;s/-/./' } build() { cd "$pkgname" export THEME_FONT_FACE="${THEME_FONT_FACE:-Roboto}" export THEME_FONT_SIZE="${THEME_FONT_SIZE:-10}" echo "To customize the font and size for gnome-shell, build this package" echo "with the variables below set to the desired font family and size" echo "- THEME_FONT_FACE (default font family is Roboto)" echo "- THEME_FONT_SIZE (default font point size is 10)" echo "" echo "Continuing build in 5 seconds..."; sleep 5 echo "Rendering assets, please wait" ( cd gtk-2.0 while read $line; do echo -n "."; done < \ <(./render-assets.sh 2>/dev/null); echo ) # pushd src ( cd src while read $line; do echo -n "."; done < \ <(./render-gtk3-assets.py 2>/dev/null; \ ./render-gtk3-assets-hidpi.py 2>/dev/null; \ ./render-wm-assets-hidpi.py 2>/dev/null; \ ./render-wm-assets.py 2>/dev/null); echo ) echo "Done!" echo "Setting gnome-shell font face to ${THEME_FONT_FACE}" echo "Setting gnome-shell font size to ${THEME_FONT_SIZE}" if [ "${THEME_FONT_FACE}" != "Roboto" ]; then sed -i -re "s/font-family: (.*);/font-family: ${THEME_FONT_FACE}, \1;/" \ "${srcdir}/$pkgname/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css" fi if [ "${THEME_FONT_SIZE}" != "10" ]; then sed -i -re "s/font-size: (.*);/font-size: ${THEME_FONT_SIZE}pt;/" \ "${srcdir}/$pkgname/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css" fi } package() { cd "$pkgname" find assets cinnamon gnome-shell gtk* metacity-1 xfwm4 \ -type f \ -exec install -Dm644 '{}' "$pkgdir/usr/share/themes/Nordic/{}" \; }