pkgname=ntfs3-dkms-git pkgver=6.0.r0.g3b06a27 pkgrel=1 epoch=1 pkgdesc="NTFS3 is fully functional NTFS Read-Write driver. The driver works with NTFS versions up to 3.1." arch=('any') url="" license=('GPL2') depends=('dkms') makedepends=('git') provides=('NTFS3-MODULE' 'ntfs3') conflicts=('ntfs3') options=('!strip' '!emptydirs') source=( "Makefile.patch" "dkms.conf" ) sha256sums=( 'fd4cf0e2dc160efecc55d4ea99667669b870599e4e81be435ec2201381b7e2ac' '87ec3e1fdd50c2218eb93aa73fbcaa018275c12ea2ee6648b815e57207d2e132' ) _ver="6.0" _since="1660773082" # The whole kernel history is very huge, so downloading it is a pain. # Also commits count is insane and we don't want to see all that in pkgver. # Here is a tricky workaround. # Make a shallow clone since the specified timestamp. pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/repo" local rev rev=$(("$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" - 1)) local sha sha="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" echo "${_ver}.r${rev}.g${sha:0:7}" } prepare() { cd "${srcdir}" if [ ! -d "repo" ]; then git clone --shallow-since="${_since}" --filter=tree:0 --no-checkout --single-branch "${url}" "repo" fi cd "repo" git fetch -f git sparse-checkout set --no-cone "/fs/ntfs3" git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD cd "fs/ntfs3" patch -i "${srcdir}/Makefile.patch" } package() { local src="${pkgdir}/usr/src" install -dm755 "${src}" cd "${srcdir}" local dest="${src}/ntfs3-${_ver}" cp -r "repo/fs/ntfs3" "${dest}" install -Dm644 -t "${dest}" "dkms.conf" }