# Maintainer: Vasiliy Stelmachenok # Contributor: Pavel Priluckiy # Includes application of the Powermizer-max-performance.patch # USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! _pref_maximum_performance= pkgname=nvidia-dkms-performance pkgver=460.56 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='NVIDIA driver sources for linux with some optimizations' arch=('x86_64') url='https://www.nvidia.com/' license=('custom') provides=("nvidia=${pkgver}" "nvidia-dkms=${pkgver}" "nvidia-dkms-performance=${pkgver}" 'NVIDIA-MODULE') conflicts=('nvidia' 'nvidia-dkms') _pkg="NVIDIA-Linux-${CARCH}-${pkgver}-no-compat32" source=("https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-${CARCH}/${pkgver}/${_pkg}.run" 'nvidia.hook' '0001-nvidia-dkms-conf.patch' '0002-linux-rt.patch' '0003-nvidia-drm-modeset.patch' '0004-NVreg.patch' '0005-Powermizer-max-performance.patch') sha256sums=('6aa33772f6777dfaecf3142d7e01da9689a7206254e81ddbebf3ce6067c214a2' '717920f48b4d7ec50b83d2d096bab36449b30f1b5d144f0fe586627025367293' '1bd56d082093db9819b07f42c5414dffd1bcf92946d5f5dab706ed785933e169' '18b7e1cf21834a646d5b6a7cf49daae5d55bc7e1f23fd5a96e05a8aa4a74de57' 'a9465149c336c8f0bded15a4d473f16156d6da3a9fe4965ebe8a9afba5519c9f' 'd24e341f9a0e38f03f4e425e5f59e407604463fc3daee36009ecbd0fefa8b801' '9140aa5ea1b7c0704a2606b27a61af42b0309eceebac496704a9e8db18815aa4') prepare() { [ -d "$_pkg" ] && rm -rf "$_pkg" sh "${_pkg}.run" --extract-only cd "${_pkg}" patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0001-nvidia-dkms-conf.patch" # Fixing compatibility with the RT (Real-Time) kernel sed -i -e 's|PREEMPT_RT_PRESENT=1|PREEMPT_RT_PRESENT=0|g' kernel/conftest.sh patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0002-linux-rt.patch" # Enable nvidia-drm.modeset=1 (DRM KMS) by default. # This is necessary for NVIDIA PRIME to work correctly. # Note: May cause problems with scaling in console mode. patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0003-nvidia-drm-modeset.patch" # This patch edits the default values of the NVIDIA kernel module # parameters, and makes the following changes: # # NVreg_UsePageAttributeTable=1 (Default 0) - Activating the better # memory management method (PAT). The PAT method creates a partition type table # at a specific address mapped inside the register and utilizes the memory architecture # and instruction set more efficiently and faster. # If your system can support this feature, it should improve CPU performance. # # NVreg_EnablePCIeGen3=1 (Default 0) - Enable PCIe Gen 3.x support. # If the system supports this 8GT high speed bus then enable it with this module option flag. # By default the Nvidia driver is set to use PCIe Gen 2.x for compatibility reasons. # # NVreg_InitializeSystemMemoryAllocations=0 (Default 1) - Disables # clearing system memory allocation before using it for the GPU. # Potentially improves performance, but at the cost of increased security risks. # Write "options nvidia NVreg_InitializeSystemMemoryAllocations=1" in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf, # if you want to return the default value. # # NVreg_EnableStreamMemOPs=1 (Default 0) - Activates the support for # CUDA Stream Memory Operations in user-mode applications. # # If you want to learn more about the NVIDIA driver module parameters, # you can go to the Gentoo Wiki or view the source code of the nv-reg.h file. patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0004-NVreg.patch" # Sets the default power plan in preference to maximum # performance. This is similar to the power plan settings in nvidia- # settings. The advantage of this method is that it controls the power # plan for each power source, i.e. the driver will be set for maximum # performance when running from the mains and for the battery it # will be set for optimal power savings. It also does not require nvidia- # settings as a dependency and does not use it in any way. if [ -n "$_pref_maximum_performance" ]; then patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0005-Powermizer-max-performance.patch" fi } package() { depends=('dkms' "nvidia-utils>=${pkgver}" 'libglvnd') # Nvidia hook for update initramfs after an NVIDIA driver upgrade install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/nvidia.hook" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks" mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src" cp -dr --no-preserve='ownership' "${_pkg}/kernel" "${pkgdir}/usr/src/nvidia-${pkgver}" # Block Nouveau install -D -m644 <(printf '%s\n%s\n' 'blacklist nouveau' 'options nouveau modeset=0') \ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modprobe.d/${pkgname}.conf" # license install -D -m644 "${_pkg}/LICENSE" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" }