# Maintainer: robertfoster # Contributor: Marek Kubica # Contributor: Serge Zirukin pkgname=ocaml-camomile pkgver=1.0.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Comprehensive Unicode library for OCaml" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://github.com/yoriyuki/Camomile" license=('LGPL') makedepends=('ocaml' 'dune') source=(https://github.com/yoriyuki/Camomile/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz) options=(!strip !makeflags staticlibs) build() { cd Camomile-${pkgver} make all } check() { cd Camomile-${pkgver} make test } package() { cd Camomile-${pkgver} # Initialize OPAM, this should be removed once opam is “removed” from dune export OPAMROOT="${srcdir}"/opam opam init -n # Work around the install command make OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR="${pkgdir}$(ocamlfind printconf destdir)" install } md5sums=('9557fd86f13eba45474fc1336f225f32')