# Maintainer: Alexander Konarev # Author: Andrey Ovsankin aka EvilBeaver pkgname=onescript pkgver=1.8.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="This project is an alternative implementation of the virtual machine, execute scripts in the language of the 1C:Enterprise" arch=("i686" "x86_64") license=('GPL3' 'LGPL3') url="http://oscript.io/" depends=('mono') makedepens=('tar ar xz') source=( "source.deb::https://oscript.io/downloads/latest/x64/onescript-engine_1.8.0_all.deb" ) md5sums=('b4f1321fd2171d5dc3c5589ebed12ecd') prepare() { cd $srcdir for f in *.deb do ar p $f data.tar.xz | tar -Jx rm $f done rm control.tar.gz data.tar.xz debian-binary } package() { cd $srcdir cp -r . $pkgdir }