# Maintainer: Josef Vybíhal # Contributor: Charles Delfly pkgname=openfortigui-git _pkgname="${pkgname%-git}" pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="OpenFortiGUI is an open-source VPN-Client to connect to Fortigate VPN-Hardware. It is based on openfortivpn and adds an easy to use and nice GUI on top of it, written in Qt5." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://github.com/theinvisible/openfortigui.git" license=('GPL3') groups=() depends=('qt5-base' 'qtkeychain' 'qt5-translations' 'openssl' 'ppp' 'sudo') makedepends=('git') provides=(openfortigui) conflicts=(openfortigui) replaces=() options=() install= source=("git+https://github.com/theinvisible/$_pkgname.git") noextract=() b2sums=('SKIP') #options=(debug !strip) pkgver() { cd "${pkgname%-git}" git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}" cd openfortigui git submodule init git submodule update cd .. #patch -p1 < ../user-env.patch } build() { cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}" #qmake openfortigui-project.pro -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=qml_debug qmake make } check() { cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}" make -k check } package() { cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}" mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin $pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps $pkgdir/usr/share/applications $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d $pkgdir/etc/openfortigui/vpnprofiles install -m 755 openfortigui $pkgdir/usr/bin/ #chmod 640 $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d install -m 440 sudo/openfortigui $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d install -m 644 app-entry/openfortigui.png $pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/ install -m 644 app-entry/openfortigui.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/ }