# Maintainer: Daniel Appelt pkgname=openmusic pkgver=6.9.1_beta_0 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="A visual programming language designed for music composition. (32 bit)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://repmus.ircam.fr/openmusic/linux" license=('GPL') case "$CARCH" in i686) depends=('desktop-file-utils' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'jack' 'portmidi' 'libsndfile' 'libsdif') optdepends=('libsamplerate: speed up audio-waveform drawing') ;; x86_64) depends=('desktop-file-utils' 'lib32-gdk-pixbuf2>=2.31.3-2' 'lib32-jack' 'lib32-portmidi' 'lib32-libsndfile' 'lib32-libsdif') optdepends=('lib32-libsamplerate: speed up audio-waveform drawing') ;; esac # Note that the openmusic executable may not be compressed/stripped. # (http://www.lispworks.com/kb/a15fc2ea99b4f8f5802571fe0057705a.html) options=(!strip) install="$pkgname.install" # ircam.fr uses a self-signed SSL certificate which may lead to download problems. # The following environment variable, and source file .curlrc add option --insecure # to curl for the duration of this build process. By default, curl is configured as # download agent in makepkg.conf. If the download still does not work, check section # DLAGENTS in /etc/makepkgconf and add an option to allow insecure downloads to the # respective agent configuration. export CURL_HOME="$startdir" source=('.curlrc' "http://forge.ircam.fr/p/OM/downloads/get/OM_${pkgver}.tar.bz2") md5sums=('b0dc7498bade5c4fa60da87503a16ef2' '6ba97ee9b63e4e8b3e9487ef8e758992') package() { cd "$srcdir/OM_${pkgver}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" PREFIX=/usr install }