# Maintainer: swalladge # Contributor: Brottweiler # Contributor: kusakata pkgname=openspades-git pkgver= pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A clone of Voxlap Ace of Spades 0.75 (git version)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://github.com/yvt/openspades" license=('GPL3') depends=('curl' 'desktop-file-utils' 'glew' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'mesa' 'openal' 'sdl2' 'sdl2_image') makedepends=('cmake' 'git' 'unzip' 'wget') provides=('openspades') conflicts=('openspades') install=openspades.install source=("$pkgname"::'git+https://github.com/yvt/openspades.git' 'openspades.patch') md5sums=('SKIP' 'f8b429ee14d92598fd684fcf4ce3097e') prepare() { # Note: this being the git version, possibly soon be fixed/modified upstream and patch becomes obsolete/invalid # if patching or building with this patch fails, please notify the package maintainer cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/openspades.patch } pkgver() { cd "$pkgname" git describe --tags | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-/./g' } build() { cd "$pkgname" cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D OPENSPADES_RESDIR=/usr/share/openspades-git/Resources -D OPENSPADES_INSTALL_RESOURCES=share/openspades-git/Resources -D OPENSPADES_INSTALL_BINARY=bin . make } package() { cd "$pkgname" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/menu" }